4 hot drinks to replace coffee - Neozone

4 hot drinks to replace coffee - Neozone

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Are you hanging on coffee, but you feel a little more in Cran than usual?Perhaps an excess of caffeine?We know the beneficial effects of coffee on health but also its disadvantages when we consume too much.Recall that specialists advise three to four daily cups, and not a complete coffee maker!

In all the media, today we hear about the increase in prices of certain everyday products ... and with the disastrous weather conditions of recent months, coffee producers will have no choice but to increasealso prices!If you are really a big consumer, it could have consequences on the price of your shopping cart ... Discover 4 drinks that can replace your sacrosanct little coffee!

Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate is probably the must of winter, and it can perfectly replace a cup of coffee ... provided you use real cocoa in sweet powder or even do it yourself with dark chocolate obviously!He is full of vitamins and minerals and even would have an aphrodisiac effect (CQFD)!

To make a homemade hot chocolate, melt 8 squares of dark chocolate with a drizzle of water in a saucepan ... Add 250 ml of milk and heat over low heat!Do not let it boil, the Dicton Café Bouillu Café Foutu is also valid for hot chocolate!Accompany it with a delicious macaroon, you will succumb, but you will not have drunk coffee!

The Golden Milk

4 boissons chaudes pour remplacer le café - NeozOne

This drink comes from India where it is an ancestral tradition.According to Indian medicine (Ayurveda), this drink even has healing powers ... The Golden Milk contains turmeric, a plant recognized to be an anti-inflammatory and a stimulant for the brain.It also protects viruses and bacteria that drag this moment!To prepare a cup of Golden Milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric in 200 ml of milk ... A small pinch of pepper, cinnamon and ginger, and presto in the milk mousseur!

À LIRE AUSSI :Boire du café avant l'effort augmenterait le brulage des graisses affirme cette étude

Matcha Latte

Be careful, matcha (green tea) has a bitter taste that everyone does not like ... matcha also contains caffeine, but the body takes more time to absorb it than coffee caffeine.Since it is a tea, it is also very rich in antioxidants, which will allow you to take care of your brain ... To prepare it, just add half a teaspoon of matcha tea in 200 ml of oat milk, or cow's milk elsewhere.If you have a milk fader, it will only be better.

Apple cider vinegar tone

Replace coffee with apple cider vinegar?This is not necessarily the option we are going to choose, but it is an alternative like any other after all!Apple cider vinegar has a very good reputation, it can balance insulin level, reduce bad cholesterol and restore intestinal flora.To "taste", just add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 250 ml of water and sweeten as you wish ... You see, coffee is not an end in itself, and this list n'is not exhaustive, there are many other alternatives to coffee but it would be too long to list them.

TagscaféNathalie Kleczinski23 novembre 2021Dernière mise à jour: 22 novembre 20211 2 minutes de lectureShare Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Messenger Whatsapp Share by Email