Anti-GASPI tip: foods good to consume even after the expiration date

Anti-GASPI tip: foods good to consume even after the expiration date

Expressed foods in the trash!No, this is not the slogan of the last national strike!We are talking about a simple rule that we follow on a daily basis.But are we still right to act in this way, does it concern all foods and could we not limit food waste?Find a list of all foods that are also good to eat a few days a few decades and even millennia after the expiration date.

Page contents

  • 2 These foods that never perish
  • 3 Other foods that can be consumed outside the DDM
  • Learn to distinguish DDM and DLC

    "To consume preferably before ...", "to consume up to" - you probably know these clues.But do you make the difference between the two?


    The first refers to the DDM or minimum durability date.This concerns in particular the foods that can be consumed outside the indicated deadline, without health risk.Nevertheless, at the cost of nutritional and taste qualities often reduced.Before consuming such a food, first make sure that its packaging and intact and has been fairly well preserved before use.Subsequently, pay attention to your condition!If neither the visual aspect, nor the smell leaves no suspicion, you can attack it.

    The DLC

    On the other hand, the DLC or the deadline for consumption suggests a date, after which a food would no longer be good to consume.That is to say that there is a danger to health, when the product is consumed after the expiration date.Your safety is therefore not guaranteed, hence the recommendation to get rid of the product.

    Learn to distinguish DDM and DLC

    These foods that never perish


    Pure sodium chloride has been around for several billion years.No one would not be surprised in front of the fact that it lasts forever.Having a significant role in the conservation of food, salt protects mold foods and bacteria.This is possible thanks to the osmosis that occurs when salt dehydrates food.The same dry environment is a necessary condition for salt to be preserved without problem for several years.


    True Ambroisy, often used as a sugar substitute, honey is recognized for these multiple human health benefits.Strong anti-bacterial remedy, it has also been used to treat wounds in certain ancient cultures.It is not uncommon for archaeologists to discover millennial honeys which are always as good to consume.The oldest account 3000 years and was discovered in the tomb of King Tut.According to specialists, the secret is hidden behind its sustainability, the low humidity and acid character of honey.These qualities make it practically invincible, unless it is properly stored.

    The vinegar

    Astuce anti-gaspi : les aliments bons à consommer même après la date de péremption

    This is another food of an acid nature which is practically infinitely consumable.It is mainly apple cider vinegar which next to its culinary jobs, is still equipped with multiple practical and even medicinal properties.White, balsamic, raspberry, rice and red wine are also imperishable by specialists.


    Like salt, sugar can also last infinitely unless it is kept away from humidity and heat sources.And there, we are not only talking about pure sugar.The granulated white sugar, the pieces of white sugar, raw sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, sugar substitute, all have an almost unlimited expiration date.However, do not expect the same taste qualities after a while.

    Dried legumes

    Rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and proteins, beans are another over -thread that you can keep for a long time in the cupboard.Only two restrictions!Regarding conservation firstly - keep your beans in a dry place, at room temperature, in a sealed and hermetic packaging.And secondly, their benefits would be clearly reduced.Finally an interesting fact!An experience carried out by the University of Brigham Young in 2005, offered a group of 58 people to eat expired pinto beans of 32 years.80% of tasters declared themselves inclined to eat even the oldest beans on a daily basis, if an emergency arises.

    Expired flour

    Provided you are kept in favorable conditions (hermetic container), flour could also extend your life for a few years.Note here also, however, that it is possible that there is a probability that flour will lose its culinary properties after a while.

    Maple syrup

    An unopened maple syrup may remain for an indefinite time in the closet.Once open, however, it must be kept in favorable conditions.Just pour it into an airtight container and subsequently enclose it in the fridge.So stores, maple syrup could last several years in the fridge.

    Soybean sauce

    Soy sauce contains a significant amount of salt.As has already mentioned, it has conservative properties.If therefore your sauce is well salted and provided that it is kept in a dark cupboard, you can practically use it in perpetuity.

    Pure vanilla extract

    Pure vanilla extract contains a significant amount of alcohol (approximately 40%) and as you probably know, the latter has its conservative properties.A bottle of pure vanilla extract then has an almost unlimited lifespan.If the extract is not pure nevertheless, it would undoubtedly be less lasting.

    White rice

    Attention there, because we are talking about raw rice not cooked and only white rice in addition.This does not concern complete rice, however!Containing larger amounts of oils, this variety would be much less durable.Only keep it in an airtight container.

    Other foods that can be consumed outside the DDM

    Expired hard cheeses

    According to Food Network, you can consume hard cheeses without problem, even after the expiration date.In fact, you can consume cheeses such as cheddar and parmesan, even after spotting moldy traces.Make sure you only cut the reached part, the rest is well eating up to a month following the expiration date.

    Expired cans

    According to specialists, the food that comes to the box of nutrients and safety for decades.Which is not the case for taste, however!Know that still, it is not recommended to consume a preserved beyond 4 years after the expiration date.

    Expired eggs

    Surprised to find them in this list?And yet they find their place there.The science of food tells us that eggs keep up to 3.5 weeks after purchase.Have a simple experience to find out if the egg is still good.It is enough to introduce it inside a container filled with water and see how it will react.If it dives, this is a sign that the egg is just good to eat.If it floats above, it is better to get rid of it.

    Expired chocolate

    You could consume chocolate up to 2 years after DDM.Several people fear the white film that sometimes appears on the surface, but you should not be afraid of it.This is due to oxidation or so to speak, in contact with chocolate with the air.What is happening is practically that fat melts and rises to the surface.So, no, it's not moldy, you can consume and enjoy the benefits of chocolate.

    Dry dust outdated

    Keep in a cool and dry place, pasta (provided they are dry) could last up to two, three years.Only make sure that there is no rancid smell, before consuming.

    Expired cereals

    If you have taken advantage of a promo to supply yourself with it or you are not used to consuming cereals frequently, do not panic!You can consume them up to 6 months before the deadline, as long as you can manage the Rassis flavor.

    Expired milk and yogurt

    The milk could also last longer, when you reserve the coldest place in the fridge.Uht pasteurized products especially, extend their life of 50% when located in a very low temperature location.As for yogurt, this is for once again, a product is not yet open.Thus, yogurt can be eaten up to a week after the expiration date.

    Expired butter

    Usually, if the butter does not have a sign of expiration, (yellowing, bad smell) you may well consume them even before the deadline.Also note that in case the expiration date is approaching and you still have a good amount of butter, you could freeze it and use your future preparations.