Are you an influencer?|The press

Are you an influencer?|The press

A few days ago, Doctor Alain Vadeboncœur asked a question about Twitter."I would be curious to see how people who refuse vaccines have come to decide like this.On what bases?From what sources?»»

Publié le 13 janvier

In a way, he wondered what the influences of people who choose to refuse the vaccine were.Like more than 50,000 other Internet users, I subscribe to Alain Vadeboncœur on Twitter, he is in a way one of my influencers in this endless pandemic.

The term "influencer" has very bad press lately, gracked a delirious and irresponsible trip of young people to Cancún, organized by an entrepreneur who seems to have a mythomaniac penchant.Like many people, this saga entertained me in the hollow of new depressors, I subscribed to Od Scoop on Instagram and I would not have imagined that it goes to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his famous word "Ostrogoth ”to describe these revelers.

In truth, the phenomenon of influencers has been frowned upon for quite a long time, especially because it has never stopped growing.

We often announce the end of this phenomenon, but I don't believe it at all, because it comes in an impressive multitude of fields of interest on various platforms (Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tiktok, etc..)).Anyone can have their own channel and their own audience today.My boyfriend assiduously follows the debunkers of paranormal stuff on YouTube who are capable of analyzing in all their seams videos of ghosts and UFOs, and I am sure that there must be important influencers in the world of knitting.Me, my thing is animal life rescue videos.

If there is a person who made me see the influencers in a different light, it is Daphne B., poet and author of the fascinating make-up essay, in which she dissects the world of makeup, make-up gurus and tutorial stars.

I discovered that one could get lost for hours in videos created by people who have the same interests as us, especially if they are good communicators.

Daphne B. n’est pas certaine qu’il puisse exister une définition fixe du terme influenceur, qu’on voit en général comme quelqu’un qui mise sur sa visibilité et sa personnalité (et son corps par moments)) pour faire des partenariats avec des marques, car il n’y a pas que cela sur les réseaux sociaux.For example, during confinement, she watched a lot of videos of women who tell their fight against cancer.She loves ancient toys and follows collectors who have their chains.Finally, she suggests BREADTUBE, who brings together lots of often defrocked philosophers of the university who make videos on various subjects, as a contrapoint, a trans philosopher who can explain to you for 1 h 30 min what is the experience of the'“Digure” emotion (and it's really interesting)).There are sacred good influencers too.

Êtes-vous un influenceur ? | La Presse

Daphne B.Me tracks to this article by Sophie Bishop, by Real Life Magazine, in which the hypocrisy is underlined with which the "influencers" of "content producers" are decreed.

Lisez l’article « Name of the Game : ‟Creator” and ‟Influencer” Aren’t Different Jobs. Who Does it Serve to Pretend They Are ?»»

Who decides on these names, exactly?

Le mépris associé aux influenceurs tient, selon Daphne B., to the fact that they are people "who do not have real work" and that is a bit of prejudice.It is a job to stage yourself, to shoot videos, to edit, to address people with naturalness - it is also an autonomous and precarious work, which can fall overnight witha scandal or on the contrary, take off with a scandal.But in this area, there are of course inequalities;Some people have more than others the ways to go to dream places everywhere on the planet to feed their accounts, others also correspond to formatted standards of beauty as can be seen in reality TV shows thatare in fact nurseries to future influencers, whose popularity will be boosted by a general television program.Or by a Prime Minister who will use "Ostrogoth" in a press conference.

D’ailleurs, Daphne B.wonders if Justin Trudeau has not been advised by specialists to use this unexpected word."This is the recipe for creating viral content," she said to me.We juxtapose two terms, ‟sans-desein”, that everyone understands, and a quirk like ‟strogoth ”, and it will become a mememe cultural that people will resume in all sauces.As if he embarked in the boat and fueled the controversy, because it creates even more content."In any case, it was gold in bar to divert attention from the management of the crisis, and it even became a Panneton clan pub.

What personally fascinates me with influencers is that it is a parallel world for a lot of people according to their interests, in particular for those who frequent little social networks or who follow, on these same networks, personalities whoactually belong to the "mainstream" media.It is often when the latter seize a case of this parallel world that a general excitement occurs and that we are ready to take out the guillotine for people that we do not even know - exceptPerhaps adolescents, because we should not forget the generational gap in there.This is why my colleague Hugo Dumas had the very good idea to give merit to the creator of Od Scoop and to speak with him - who found the scoop, precisely.

En tout cas, le party à bord du vol de Sunwing a offert de formidables boucs émissaires à un moment critique, croit Daphne B., when we look at the violence of the reaction."There is a cathartic spirit in this violence.When you feel stress, disappointment and anger, you need an outlet somewhere, and it was offered to us.Our anger was directed to concrete people, with faces, supporting videos.If it hadn't been them, it would have been something else.»»

Mais ces fêtards du vol de Sunwing ne sont qu’une goutte d’eau dans l’océan des « influenceurs»» ou des « producteurs de contenus»», ils ne sont pas les seuls représentants du phénomène.

N’importe qui ayant quelques milliers d’abonnés peut être un influenceur, quand on y pense, et il ne faudrait pas mettre tout le monde dans le même panier (une tendance lourde de notre époque on dirait, on n’a qu’à le voir avec le mot « woke»»)).

On déplore une fois de plus une « ère du vide»» en raison de quelques écervelés, mais j’aurais plutôt tendance à croire à une ère du « trop-plein»», parce qu’ils sont légion à produire du contenu en ligne, chaque seconde, au moment même où j’écris ces lignes.The angry gentleman who films himself in his car to criticize the health measures with his subscribers like the grandmother who explains to us how to make a good apple pie.

We may have all become influencers, who knows. Parce qu’on nous regarde, quand on produit du « contenu»».