After childbirth: to know everything about diapers

After childbirth: to know everything about diapers

How does our body react, the days and weeks following childbirth?Here are some explanations on diapers, in detail and without taboos ...

The changes in our body have not ended with childbirth!The point on what awaits us during diapers.

Uterus, vagina and lips: How do they react after childbirth?

During childbirth, the vagina, very flexible, widens about 10 centimeters to let baby pass.It remains inflated and sore for two or three days, then begins to retract.After about a month, the fabrics resumed their tone.Sensations during sexual intercourse then come back quickly!

The external genital system (large and small lips, vulva and anus) presents edema within hours of childbirth.It is sometimes accompanied by small sketches (superficial cuts).In some women, again, hematoma or bruise is formed, which disappears after a week.During these few days, the sitting position can be painful.

In addition to the pains directly linked to the trauma represented by a delivery for the lower body, your breasts can also bother you.Whether you have chosen to breastfeed or not, From childbirth, you secrete prolactin (the hormone of lactation), which creates swelling and pain.To relieve them, pass your breasts under hot water, massage them and ask advice From the midwife.

The episiotomy: what are the complications?

In around 30 % of women with an episiotomy (incision of the perineum to facilitate the passage of the baby), the few days after birth are often painful and painful.Indeed, the stitches tend to tug, making the genital zone extremely sensitive.An intimate meticulous toilet limit the risk of infection.It takes approximately one month for full healing.Some women still feel pain during sex, up to six months after childbirth ... If these ills persist beyond, it is better to consult a midwife or a doctor.

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When do the organs resume their place after childbirth?

Après l'accouchement : tout savoir sur les suites de couches

We thought we had finished with the contractions, well no!From the birth of baby, new contractions take over, this time to expel the placenta.Named trenches, they last four to six weeks, in order to allow the "involution" of the uterus, that is to say to help him regain his initial size and place.These contractions often go unnoticed when the first child arrives.On the other hand, after several pregnancies, they are more painful.

Lochies or small return of diapers: how long do these bleeding last after childbirth?

During the fifteen days of childbirth, vaginal losses are made up of the lining residues, which lined your uterus.These bleeding is first thick and abundant, then, From the fifth day, clarify.In some women, losses increase again around twelfth day.We call this phenomenon the "little return of diapers".Not to be confused with the "real" return of the rules ...

Hemorrhoids, constipation...: How long does the intestinal disorders last after childbirth?

It is completely normal to suffer From intestinal disorders as a result of your delivery.In general, they do not last more than a few days.Otherwise, it is recommended to consult.Hemorrhoids are due to the dilation of anal veins during the effort to push delivery.We can relieve ourselves thanks to a buoy cushion and cold baths several times a day.As for constipation, it regulates by drinking a lot of water, going to the toilet at a fixed time - taking its time, without holding back, increasing its consumption of fibers and avoiding too fatty and too sweet food.

À lire aussi

What are the symptoms of the return of diapers?

We call 'backward return' the first rules that occur after childbirth.The date of the return of diapers varies depending on whether we are breastfeeding or not.In the absence of breastfeeding, it occurs between six and eight weeks after childbirth.These first menstruation are often more abundant and longer than normal rules.To find regular cycles, several months are necessary.

Baby-blues or postpartum depression?We do not neglect it!

Tears "without reason", irritability, feeling of guilt...These moods mixed with sadness affect almost two thirds of young mothers, generally within three or four days following birth.Don't worry, it's completely normal...provided it does not last more than fifteen days.

If you feel alone, depressed, your thoughts are very dark and/or you feel helpless in the face of this new little being, do not be isolated.It is essential to talk to your entourage and a professional.the health that will support you.You are far From being the only one in the face of this discomfort as a result of childbirth, do not hesitate to talk about it.

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A lire aussiAuteur : Marion Bellal, JournalisteArticle mis à jour par Marion Bellal, Journaliste