How to spot water infiltration in the basement?

How to spot water infiltration in the basement?

Have you noticed that your basement is often damp? At first, it is necessary to detect the origin: is it capillary rise or do you have to deal with water infiltration? Indeed, the type of treatment to be carried out will be determined according to the diagnosis. And of course, it is necessary to identify the causes of water infiltration.

The causes of water infiltration in the basement

If the capillary rises infiltrate through the ground and reach the walls, the water infiltrations come from outside. Strictly speaking, rainwater penetrates the walls through cracks or through porosity. In addition to ambient humidity and health problems, water infiltration in the basement poses a threat to the longevity of your home and its occupants. Added to these is the proliferation of mould, saltpetre and bacteria. And of course, the furniture and things you store in the basement rot under the effect of humidity. Let's not forget the bad smells. In other words, stay on the lookout for the slightest trace of moisture and detect cracks in the walls.

There is nothing worse than poorly managed water infiltration. Rapid support by professionals is essential so as not to weaken the entire structure. the experts will be able to answer your problem by adopting different techniques:

Recommended products to stop infiltration:

Know how to detect water infiltration

To be able to act as quickly as possible, know how to spot the beginning of water infiltration. So, if you notice brown or yellow halos on the walls, peeling paint, whitish deposits... you must systematically consider water infiltration. Either way, vigilance is still required. If in doubt, call on an expert who will be able to detect and effectively solve your basement moisture problems. It will act according to the type of water infiltration: infiltration through the walls, through the foundations, through the roof, through the gutters, through the joints of doors and windows.

Effective treatments against water infiltration

Water infiltration in the basement often occurs following rainy episodes. The earth is so saturated that water pours into the cellars through the walls. In some cases, the sealing of the floor and walls is not sufficient to stop water infiltration. The professional will then propose a solution aimed at reinforcing the walls, the joints, the cements, etc.

Exterior sealing

This technique aims to prevent or remedy water infiltration. It boils down to protecting the semi-buried or buried walls in the event of heavy rain. Reinforcing the exterior waterproofing goes well beyond a simple bituminous coating. This is to protect the buried parts in the sustainable way against water pressure levels. In practice, the method takes place in several stages. To start, the expert applies a bituminous primer. This is followed by the installation of the cold-laid bituminous membrane, then the second polypropylene membrane with geotextile. Also count on a non-agricultural drain that will be placed at the foot of the foundation footing. A manhole located below the sole and a lifting pump are also essential.

The casing

The casing technique is carried out from the outside or from the inside. The goal is to remedy or prevent water infiltration in cellars and basements. Obviously, the process takes place in several stages, starting with the application of several products to guarantee the waterproofness of the walls. The casing proves necessary in the context of a renovation of the house or the cellar. You can thus transform this room into a healthy storage place or a living room (cinema room, games room, etc.). Whatever the case, the professional will be able to adapt the process according to the constraints encountered.

The waterproof screen

This method aims to ensure waterproofing from the outside of basements or building car parks. To remedy the defects of the wall, the expert affixes a technical and unique process between the buried wall and the earth. As you will have understood, this technique does not require major exterior work, including the excavation of the earth. As you know, untreated water infiltration remains a threat to basements and to the entire building.

The waterproof screen from the inside will be preferred when it is not possible to carry out the waterproof screen from the outside and vice versa. Nevertheless, the waterproof screen from the outside is often preferred. It consists of a vertical injection of the product so that it can be distributed optimally.

The main causes of water infiltration in the basement

According to experts, the age of the building is one of the factors taken into account in the case of water infiltration. Indeed, the foundations become less impermeable over the years. This observation is all the more convincing for structures over 40 years old. It should therefore be remedied as soon as possible. Start by placing a waterproofing membrane that will preserve the concrete. Don't forget the drain that will direct the water to the waste systems.

Although you have notions of DIY, it is better to call on a foundation expert. He will carry out a pre-diagnosis which consists of detecting the signs of water infiltration as well as the cracks in the foundation. The professional also takes into account the age of your house, the geographical area, the climatic conditions…The visit itself follows. The objective: to determine the extent of the problem and the work.

Finally, the expert proposes a personalized solution. He will send you a written document in which the work to be carried out will appear. It could be a minor issue that just requires repairing one or a few cracks. On the other hand, if the infiltrations are too great, major work will be required.

Home humidity diagnosis

If you want to avoid heavy work, remember to anticipate the risk of water infiltration. You can already measure the humidity level in your basement with a hydrometer. This device measures the level of humidity present in the ambient air. To do this, place the device in the room and wait. The device analyzes the air and displays the humidity level in your basement or cellar. If you want a more thorough diagnosis, it is better to call a professional. The latter has indeed more advanced equipment. He will also be required to sample and analyze materials for a more precise diagnosis.

Why hire a pro?

Quite simply to avoid diagnostic errors. Of course, you are able to handle a hygrometer, but will you be able to distinguish infiltration problems from capillary rise? However, the preferred treatment will depend on this diagnosis. Only an expert will be able to detect the sources of the infiltrations and determine the solution to the problem. Whatever the case, the humidity diagnosis is essential.

A foundation expert will be able to deliver an accurate diagnosis and ensure quality work. He knows all types of problems as well as the best existing solutions. Know that an accurate diagnosis will save you from potential hidden costs, trial and error and extras. In all cases, the work will be carried out according to the standards in force.

What are the main causes of humidity?

The humidity diagnosis must be precise in order to best deal with the problems of water infiltration. But did you know that there are 4 main causes of humidity? Indeed, it is not only water infiltration that is in question. Insufficient ventilation can also be the cause of ambient humidity. As for the capillary rise, they infiltrate through the floor of the cellar and go up in the walls. But let's not forget the accidental causes related to damage and water leaks. The expert will first determine whether the humidity comes from capillary rise, infiltration or other. He will then propose a solution that will deal effectively and durably with the problem.

Why should we protect ourselves against humidity?

If water infiltration hinders the solidity of the foundations, be aware that high humidity is harmful to your health and that of your loved ones. In other words, infiltration problems should be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you still doubt the harmful effects of humidity on your well-being, know that the saltpeter that develops in a humid environment causes respiratory problems. It is a whitish deposit that settles on the interior walls. In addition to harming your health, saltpetre rots wood, plaster and plaster.

Doctors warn above all about the ailments caused by too much humidity. Exposed persons are particularly prone to skin irritation (eczema), headaches, eye irritation. Added to this are nausea, vomiting, coughing, asthma, rhinitis and other shortness of breath. Symptoms worsen with time of exposure to spores. These are small, highly volatile particles that come from molds and fungi.

How to fight against humidity?

In addition to work to stop water infiltration, you must treat areas infested with mold and fungus. To do this, clean the walls and floor with soapy water. Then wipe the surfaces with a clean, slightly dampened cloth. Dry with a dry cloth then ventilate the room as much as possible. And above all, get rid of objects, fabrics or furniture damaged by mold. Be careful, protect your health by wearing a dust mask and protective goggles. Do not forget the rubber gloves that you will wear throughout the cleaning operation.