Eat night: is this really bad for health?

Eat night: is this really bad for health?

It's stronger than you: even after having dinner properly, you cannot help but go back to the kitchen snacking a packet of cakes or a piece of cheese, or even getting up at night to open the cupboards and find a littleSomething to put you under the tooth ... Several causes can be the cause of this desire to eat at night, called night hyperphagia, and the first thing to do to avoid this type of behavior, is to identify the reasons that youpush to nibble at night.

Want to eat at night: possible causes

"Nocturnal hyperphagia, in other words eating at night, is a eating disorder that is characterized by a compulsive desire to get up at night to eat.It is often difficult to fight against this desire.The diagnosis of night hyperphagia is made when night food takes more than twice a week, for at least six months.This disorder concerns both men and women."explains Sofia Bsikri, dietician-nutritionist and co-founder of Bienbian the club.

There are two types of main causes with night snacks:


Hunger, réelle et justifiée par de faibles apports énergétiques durant la journée.The vicious circle begins: the more we eat at night, the less we are hungry the day.Consequently, the body will come to claim food at night, because in a situation of hypoglycemia (lack of blood sugar)) caused by the restrictions of the day, the body will call on its survival instinct forRaise blood sugar (blood sugar level)).A dinner too light, for example, limited in starchy foods (very frequent)) makes night fasting more difficult to face.We can, in these cases, be awakened by the feeling of hunger.

"Do not panic if this behavior is exceptional.In addition, it was observed that people controlling their diet during the day, release their efforts at night (moment of less control)) and satisfy their desires of the day, "said the specialist.

Frustration is responsible for many uncontrolled eating behaviors.The more the food is controlled, the more difficult it is to control it, because the deprivation leads to frustration at the origin of cracking, followed by a feeling of guilt, then again of deprivation.This control becomes a vicious circle, difficult to manage and not without consequences.In addition, at night, we are alone in front of ourselves, no one is there to judge these food intake.

Manger la nuit : est-ce vraiment mauvais pour la santé ?

Psychological factors

Mood disorders, depression and anxiety can result in uncontrolled nightlifts.They allow you to take refuge, to calm.

Is it bad to eat at night?

Foods consumed during the night provide immediate comfort and are very often processed foods, with high calorie density (candies, chips, chocolate, etc..)).

"Eating at night implies, in the majority of cases, an increase in caloric intake of the day leading to a risk of overweight, even obesity, and associated complications: cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, among others.", alert Sofia Bsikri.

As part of a desire for weight loss, night hyperphagia influences motivation and determination (it leads to demotivation, feeling of guilt and suffering)).

Night awakenings and repeated insomnia can cause hormonal cycles and regulation of the day/night cycle."Indeed, these changes directly impact certain vital functions: weakened digestive and immune systems, for example.The lack of sleep, on the other hand, will have an impact on the concentration during the day, with, among other things, sensations of fatigue or mood disorders.", details the dietician-nutritionist.

Does eating night get fat?

The consequences of food consumption at night are first of a nutritional order.Indeed, as mentioned above, food intakes are generally excessive, uncontrolled and oriented towards comforting foods and easy ingestion: sweet, fatty, transformed foods.Such a food intake, whether nocturnal or not, will lead to the majority of cases a weight gain as well as sleep disorders.

But beware, eating the night or late at night does not make you fat in itself, just like eating starchy foods in the evening if the balance of the day, and more generally of the week, is respected.

"This is not the time or time of food intake that influences weight gain but quantities and foods ingested.What matters above all is what we eat and not the time at which we do it.Eat late or night will have more impact on digestive comfort and sleep than on weight.In the case of night cravings, they are often taken in addition to other meals, which will tend to unbalance energy intake and promote weight gain."Recalls the specialist.

Why do we say that you shouldn't eat after 9 p.m.?

"The body does not have the same needs and the hormones are not secreted in the same way depending on the time of day and the composition of its meal.These enzymes will indeed react differently depending on the content of our plate and meal time.", reveals the dietician-nutritionist.

Il faut privilégier un dîner plus léger avec par exemple des céréales non raffinées (céréales complètes)), de la viande maigre et des légumes cuits qui seront plus digestes et favoriseront l’endormissement.

"There is no question here to opt for a meal based on green salad and a 0% yogurt! But a real meal, simply lighter for digestion.This is why it is important to balance the meals of the day to be able to eat lighter in the evening.", she said.

How to stop eating at night?

"If we want things to go well at night, we must deal with what is not going on the day", trying to identify the causes of these night behaviors, alone or accompanied by a health professional and arisequestion of whether it is:

Sofia Bsikri's advice to avoid eating at night:

Sometimes a food rebalancing carried out with a dietitian-nutritionist may be enough to put everything in order.In other cases, it is preferable to be accompanied both psychologically and nutritionally with professionals specializing in the management of eating disorders.

Why do we say that it is better not to eat after 9 p.m.?

The body does not have the same needs and the hormones are not secreted in the same way depending on the time of day and the composition of its meal.These enzymes will indeed react differently depending on the content of our plate and meal time. Il faut privilégier un dîner plus léger avec par exemple des céréales non raffinées (céréales complètes)), de la viande maigre et des légumes cuits qui seront plus digestes et favoriseront l’endormissement.There is no question here to opt for a meal based on green salad and a 0% yogurt!But of a real meal, simply lighter for digestion.This is why it is important to balance the meals of the day to be able to eat lighter in the evening.

Thanks to Sofia Bsikri, dietician-nutritionist and co-founder of Bienbian the club,

Read also :

⋙ Slimming: Should we really have a king's breakfast?

⋙ Diet: What should you eat in the evening to lose weight?

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