Fourmies The NMC company, world leader in synthetic mosses, has the "fries"

Fourmies The NMC company, world leader in synthetic mosses, has the "fries"

For France, the seat of the subsidiary of the leader in synthetic mosses is in Fourmies.Where the local particularity is the insulation of the tubes.Knowing that the NMC company, which specializes in decoration, protection of packaging, industrial components, toys ... is also present worldwide.

Parlionel Maréchal |

73partagespartagertwitterJoël Segenreich devant l’une des activités de NMC, la fabrication de moulures.

Fourmies L’entreprise NMC, leader mondial des mousses synthétiques, a la «frite»

A ceiling molding, a perfectly packed windshield, a "fried" to learn to swim, a sleeve to isolate a copper tube from the boiler ... you may not know it but behind all these products is theNMC company (as historically Christmas Marques Compagnie), whose headquarters of the French subsidiary is located in Fourmies.

"NMC was created by Gert Noël, in 1950, in Belgium - it is headed today by Yves," explains Joël Segenreich (1), the new site director.Basically, he worked...

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