RTC Tram in common S3#28: Plans by thousands!

RTC Tram in common S3#28: Plans by thousands!

Building a tram is also a story of plans, thousands of plans, all types, all kinds.

The first, the one who gives the "the", is the license plan...However, it is not precise enough for the work to start.

It is therefore necessary to carry out new plans, those of the "basement", the plans which will make it possible to identify where the pipes, the cables, the visit rooms are located....and also identify everything that should be moved.No question indeed to have a visit room under the tram rails!

After having collected all the data necessary by survey, by the intervention of the surveyors, by solicitation of many interlocutors themselves having clean maps, the teams can move to the design of the project plans and the execution plans.

RTC  Tram en Commun S3#28 : des plans par milliers !

The 11.7 km of the line were segmented in 63 boards at 1/200th, each covering the equivalent of 200 meters from the line.These plates "hold" on a zero plan, a usual plan format in the construction professions.

The principle consists in working by "layer" (or layer "): each of these boards will experience many variations according to the trades to which they are intended.There will be the version for rail installers, that for planting managers, that intended for the installation of urban furniture....The final development of the city will therefore be the fruit of multiple bunk layers.

....and multiple details of details too.Indeed, plans are made with much more details than the plan has zero, for details like the borders.

In the end, if we add the different layers, the redesign of plans on the basis of remarks and annotations, the modifications made according to the reality on the ground, the Liège tram will have generated no less than 15,000 documents!

Alain W