Welcome feed or reception feed: practice and testimonies - Magicmaman.com

Welcome feed or reception feed: practice and testimonies - Magicmaman.com

Breastfeed or not: a personal decision that can be made...at the last minute

"And are you going to breastfeed"?Future mothers are unanimous: hardly they announce their pregnancy that they are already probing how they want to feed their baby.Sein or bottle?If for some, the choice of breastfeeding has always been obvious, or at least since they have been waiting for their child, for others, it does not seem so simple to make.The questions are jostling: "will I like breastfeeding"?"Will I succeed in breastfeeding?", "Will I have enough milk to feed my child enough" ?, "Breastfeeding will hurt me"?Difficult to respond as long as we have not experienced it!No stress, you don't have to know if you will breastfeed your baby, or even if you want, before giving birth.You can very well make the decision to breastfeed or bottle during the first meeting with baby.

What is welcome feeding?

If the birth conditions allow it, you will then be offered to you, to you and your baby, from its first hour of life, the welcome feed (or reception feed).This is the very first setting within the newborn.You will not yet have milk, of course, this early feed will allow your baby to feed on colostrum, which is already very precious.This intimate moment, which most often takes place in the birth room, in skin with skin or narrow body contact with your child, makes it possible to accommodate him in the most natural way possible, to reassure him, to meet him whileSweetness and for you, to discover the feeling of a little being who heads your nipple and to know if you want to start this adventure.

Vidéo du jour :

The reception feed in practice

In the birth room, if the question has not been asked before, the midwife will ask you if you want to breastfeed.If the answer is "yes" or if you emit the wish of a first feed, when the time comes, it will then position your child's skin, all against you and help him find your nipple, even if it means taking yourbreast to place it in his mouth.Once the baby is properly installed, you just have to let it do.It will be instinctively guided by your smell and by the color of the areola of your breast which will slightly brown.You will be surprised to see him raise his head and suck your breast as if he had always done this!During this first breastfeeding, baby will take a shoot of antibodies present in the colostrum.

Welcome feeding is not compulsory.You are free to choose whether you want to live this moment with your child or not.After a cesarean, the first feed can also be done in the Room of Réveil or directly in bedroom.

And then ?

La tétée de bienvenue ou tétée d'accueil : pratique et témoignages - Magicmaman.com

We will never recall it enough, the question of whether you want to feed baby within or at the bottle only look at you.If after the feeding of welcome you do not want to breastfeed your baby afterwards, nothing obliges you, as soon as you return to your room in maternity, to continue breastfeeding.This first feed will then remain a unique moment.You can also continue to breastfeed for a few days...or a few weeks/months/years.In any case, do not hesitate to inform the midwives of your doubts and your wishes, to ask them for help if you feel the need or if you meet complications.

Welcome feeding: testimonies of mothers

Aurélie, mother of Charlotte: "I did not do it"

"Before I even be pregnant, I did not feel attracted by breastfeeding.I knew that I could be offered the feeding of welcome but I did not wish to do it for fear of two things: the first, to undergo the pressure of the midwives after this first feeding.I feared that they tell me "now that you have done this first feeding, it would be good to continue to breastfeed, there is nothing better for your baby".I did not want to have, again, to justify my decision.I find that the pressure around breastfeeding, of which young mothers are too often victims, is still far too strong.It did not allow me to make an enlightened choice and dare this hue, which at first glance, would however have tempted me.My second fear was to disturb my daughter.I did not want to offer him this food mode and then deprive it and replace the breast with a bottle, that it is not good and that its diet goes badly afterwards.At the time (my daughter was 3 and a half years old today), I was not sufficiently well informed on the subject ".

Jeanne, mother of Thaïs: "I had the welcome from welcome"

"I gave birth in a maternity hospital friend friend of babies".Before giving birth, I was not asked only once if I wanted to breastfeed, the answer was obvious to the staff, it was yes, and that suited me perfectly.In the birth room, I had the welcome from welcome, the midwife put Thaïs directly on my breast.I was both surprised by the baby's suction reflex and even time, I wanted him courage because there was clearly nothing to drink yet.My milk climb had not yet taken place.I was not at all comfortable with this first contact, I did not know how to do with this little thing, all hot on me.This first feed was also the beginning "I take your breast, I compress it and I put it in your daughter's mouth" from the staff and I did not expect it either!After 3 weeks of complicated beginnings, Thaïs did not take the breast at the beginning, I had to feed her at the pipette because I was not allowed to give her a bottle, breastfeeding worked very well thanks to the breast pumpand with silicone breasts.I admit that I almost stopped quickly, but I do not regret having persevered ".

Marine, mother of Milan and Lya: "The welcome feeding comforts me in my choice"

"Breastfeeding has always been obvious for me, I have never really asked myself the question.During pregnancy, I simply crossed my fingers so that the start -up goes well.When I put my son, all against me, in the birth room for his first feed, I found this very natural moment.I was amazed by my baby, by his reflexes and his ability to suckle.Even if we were not really comfortable both yet, and it took several days, I already knew that this feed was going to be the first in a long series.For my second child, I was happy to be able to start this adventure again by being better "army".She was born by Cesarean and the first feed was made in the Réveil room, but that did not take away from the magic of this first moment of intimacy ".