Wearing tights under jeans: Good or bad idea?  Wearing tights under jeans: Good or bad idea?

Wearing tights under jeans: Good or bad idea? Wearing tights under jeans: Good or bad idea?

Wearing tights under jeans: Bad idea?

When the cold arrives, you have only one desire: to wear everything that is in your dressing room to warm you up! The watchword is: avoid the feeling of winter as much as possible. To achieve this without being drowned under a ton of clothes, you have chosen to slip a pair of tights under your pants or jeans.

Although you may think that wearing tights under your stockings can cut the cold, it is far from the case. In reality, this practice is of no use. It is true that in principle, when we multiply the layers of clothing, we warm up our body. However, in this specific case, this combination of clothes has the opposite effect.

Namely, wearing synthetic tights under jeans prevents the skin from heating up the air contained inside the jeans. Therefore, the air contained inside the jeans remains cold. Thus, this cold air freezes your jeans and by extension your legs. With each step, you will therefore feel a cold sensation, especially when you walk outdoors. Definitely not the effect you were looking for, is it?

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What is the solution to follow to avoid shivering? Fortunately, there are several solutions to face the cold in style. Among these, there are high socks or even tights, but beware, designed in wool without elastane. Similarly, you also have the option of slipping cotton leggings under your jeans or pants. Another trick is to double your socks to keep warm.

The idea is to choose a solution that combines efficiency, style and comfort. Because, yes, it is possible to feel good in winter despite the cold while remaining stylish!

Other tips to protect yourself from the cold

Finally, did you wear synthetic tights under your pants or jeans?