When to stop contraception to get pregnant?

When to stop contraception to get pregnant?

That's it, it's decided: you want to be parents!So normally, in a few months, baby will be there ... Until then, you were under pill or you had a IUD.How to manage contraception stopping?And how long does it take to get pregnant?Two questions posed by all women who want a child.Our info and advice so that everything is rolling.

What time to get pregnant after stopping the pill?

In theory, the possibility of fertilization appears from the first ovulation which follows the stop of the pill.However, if some women are pregnant quickly, the majority of those who took this contraception will have to wait several months ... it is nature that decides!In 2011, a vast study conducted by the European Active Surveillance Program on oral contraceptives (Euras-Oc), from 60,000 women, concluded that the use of the pill did not reduce fertility.The deadline to obtain a pregnancy following the cessation of contraception corresponded indeed to the average deadlines noted in other women.Contrary to popular belief, the survey also showed that the duration of taking the pill also had no influence on the chances of pregnancy.

Note: stopping the pill can cause some side effects depending on women, such as acne, weight gain, headache.Most time, these effects disappear quickly.

Should we stop the pill several months before the design?

On this point, specialists have long been shared: some doctors previously advised to wait for a few menstrual cycles before trying to design a baby, while "the machine gets back".They thought that the quality of the uterus mucosa was better after several ovulations.Consequence: the implementation of the embryo or imprisonment was favored.

Quand arrêter la contraception pour tomber enceinte ?

Today, it is proven that women who start a pregnancy just after stopping the pill are no more likely to make a miscarriage than those who fall pregnant for months or years after stopping their contraceptionhormonal.In general, the use of the pill before pregnancy has no influence on the progress of pregnancy or on the fetus.

Be pregnant after removing an IUD

Whether in copper or hormonal, IUD, or intrauterine device (IUD) can be removed by a general practitioner or a gynecologist at any time.The withdrawal of a IUD is, in principle, not painful and very fast.The cycles immediately become "normal" after having had a copper IUD removed, since it is a means of mechanical contraception.So you can get pregnant very quickly.

On the other hand, the return of the menstrual cycle can be longer after the withdrawal of a hormonal IUD.Because the hormonal IUD acts locally at the level of the uterine mucosa, which is "atrophied" to avoid the implementation of an embryo.It is therefore not excluded that it is necessary for a few months so that the endometrium is ready to accommodate a fertilized egg.But a pregnancy from the first menstrual cycle according to the withdrawal of a hormonal IUD is not impossible either.

Baby project: when to consult after stopping the pill or withdrawal from the IUD?

Whatever the method of contraception used before the baby project, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist if no pregnancy has occurred after a year of regular sexual intercourse.It is also advisable to consult if the menstrual cycles do not return to normal and no are not regular several months after stopping the pill or the IUD.

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Baby project: a small medical assessment is essential

You have a childhood desire.Remember to consult your gynecologist or general practitioner to be sure that you are healthy before you start baby trials.In theory, this meeting must be made before even stopping your contraception.This is the preconception consultation.On this occasion, your doctor will check your medical history and will certainly prescribe a blood test to verify that you are immune to toxoplasmosis and rubella.Health also involves verification of vaccines.This meeting is also an opportunity to ask all your questions about the design of a baby or pregnancy.

In video: I have side effects with my pill, what to do?

A lire aussiAuteur : Candice Satara-Bartko Article mis à jour par Hélène Bour, Journaliste scientifique