Breakfast: how to choose the right cereals and chocolate powder?

Breakfast: how to choose the right cereals and chocolate powder?

Breakfast is a meal not to be overlooked, because it is supposed to bring to the body a quarter of the energy needs necessary for the day.Cereals and chocolate powders that children love, experience exponential sales.But, how to choose them well and ensure their nutritional qualities? The black point of the products is that they are ""far too sweet"", explains Patricia Chairopoulos, journalist at 60 million consumers.""Chocolate cereals are still overall less good than the others,"" adds the journalist who therefore recommends choosing ""fruit cereals"", because ""it is the most virtuous in the sense that they are less sweet than the others"".They also have the advantage of bringing fibers, also specifies Patricia Chairopoulos.

In its study for 60 million consumers on breakfast products, Patricia Fleshopoulos recommends buying the bio muesli to toasted cereals of Charles Vignon and the natural cereals of Intermarché.The Corn-Flakes too ""are generally not bad, a little sweet, but some are doing very well"".The cereals to avoid are the chocolate treasures of Kellog's, ""because there are a lot of additives"" and the Lion cereals of Nestlé.We must therefore avoid everything that looks like sweets and processed products.However, ""we can put the chocolate cereals that children like and the day after sandwiches with good milk chocolate.""

What about chocolate powder?

Le chocolat en poudre s'en sort-il mieux que les céréales sur la qualité nutritionnelle ? ""Là encore, c'est le sucre aussi qui est le point noir"", remarque Patricia Chairopoulos.It is preferable to consume very chocolate powders, because if they are strong in chocolate, they are less so in sugar. Idéalement, il faut choisir ""le cacao pur en poudre car il n'est pas sucré, ni gras et il contient des fibres"".It is almost the organic powders that do the best, but also some others like Vanhouten.

What is the ideal composition of a good breakfast?

Pour Patricia Chairopoulos, il vous faut un produit céréalier ""pour les fibres et pour tenir toute la matinée"", donc idéalement consommez du pain complet ou des flocons d'avoine ou du muesli. ""Il faut également un produit laitier, que ce soit du lait, un yaourt ou du fromage"" et ""des fruits entiers de préférence car sinon on perd notamment les fibres"", précise la journaliste.Sunday morning, or from time to time, you can add cold meats to your breakfast for a protein intake.

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