A Chinese ice cream tested positive for COVVI-19

A Chinese ice cream tested positive for COVVI-19

Reading time: 2 min - spotted on HuffPost

In mid-January, a report published a surprising result concerning extraordinary contamination in COVID-19 in China: three samples of ice creams were tested positive in the municipality of Tianjin, northeast of the country.

This report published in a local Chinese media indicates that traces of Sars-Cov-2 have been found in three ice samples with different perfumes.One was chocolate, the other with strawberries and the last in taro, a food tuber of tropical regions.These ice creams had been subjected to tests as part of food control.

The contaminated frozen creams were produced by the Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company, specialized in the manufacture of cakes, ice cream and other frozen products.Once the infection has been detected, the company had to close its doors immediately and its 1.662 employees were quarantined.On January 15, 700 of the people employed by the Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company had been tested negative at the COVVI-19.

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In order to make its ice creams, the company imports New Zealand powder milk and Ukraine Lactrum powder.Ice samples tested positive for COVID-19 came from a lot made up of 4.836 boxes.When the infection was discovered, more than 2.700 of these boxes had already entered the Chinese food market, while the rest of the ice were kept in a warehouse.

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An investigation was opened to track the entire goods which had already been distributed.The authorities have also called upon the premises not to continue to buy and consume these potentially contaminated products.

To date, the reason to explain the contamination of these ice creams in COVID-19 is still unclear.However, the virologist Stephen Griffin of the University of Leeds ensures that this is probably a unique and exceptional event.According to him, the virus may have been kept in the fats of ice cream, due to the very low temperatures necessary to storage this food product.Stephen Griffin wants to be reassuring: this news item should not panic the population.