Chocolate: origins, kitchen and conservation tips

Chocolate: origins, kitchen and conservation tips

Croquant, fondant et plein de gourmandise, le chocolat séduit un grand nombre de personne. Comment le choisir, le conserver et le cuisiner ? On vous dit tout sur le chocolat.Chocolat : origines, astuces de cuisine et de conservation Chocolat : origines, astuces de cuisine et de conservation

Chocolate has always been delighted, but this product widespread worldwide hides many benefits.Discover all the secrets of chocolate, from bean to tablet through cocoa powder.

History and characteristics

Chocolate is a food produced from the cocoa bean that grows directly on the cocoa.Originally, cocoa was consumed in Mexico and Central America in the form of a drink.In 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés discovered the cocoa bean and brought it back to Europe.In France, cocoa has long been reserved for the aristocracy and the court.Since then, French chocolate has been considered a noble product with strong cocoa percentages.At the beginning of the 19th century, the chocolate industry developed and the first chocolate tablet was born in 1847.

To obtain chocolate, the cocoa bean is fermented, roasted but also crushed and then obtain a liquid paste.In tablet, powder, spread, chocolate is in many shapes.There are 3 types of chocolate:

With a wide range of flavors and textures, chocolate delights a large number of people and is invited to Easter, Christmas but also for Valentine's Day.

Nutritional info and chocolate calories

Dark chocolate contains many benefits for the body, it allows in particular to reduce stress and therefore improve sleep.It is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.Dark chocolate is also recognized for preventing cardiovascular disease and cholesterol.Indeed, according to several studies, dark chocolate contains a large amount of flavonoids that can regulate bad cholesterol.

Valeur nutritionnelle du chocolat noir 70 % de cacao pour 100 g
Protides9,25 g
Glucides33,3 g
Lipides41,9 g
Calories sur le chocolat572 kcal

How to choose chocolate?

Chocolat : origines, astuces de cuisine et de conservation

In trade, there are a large number of chocolate.This multitude of offer does not really help us, so to properly choose your chocolate, check above all the label:

To choose between dark, milk or white chocolate, it is recommended to consume dark chocolate 70 % minimum cocoa.Indeed, this so -called "natural" chocolate contains less sugar than the others and will be more suitable for tasting.For pastry, chocolates containing less than 65% cocoa will bring more successes.The higher the cocoa percentage, the more the chocolate contains fat, and conversely, the less cocoa contains and the more it will be made up of sugar and milk.

How to keep chocolate?

First of all, the room temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.Keeping the tablet packaging will protect it from surrounding odors and brightness.Ideal remains a dry place or in a cupboard to keep it up to a year.In the event of a heat wave, the refrigerator will be the only solution, but this conservation mode is to be avoided, it bleached the chocolate and makes it lose its aromas.

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How to cook chocolate?

Chocolate finds its place in pastry, in a cake or for a topping we love it.Christmas log, Easter egg, chocolate pie or chocolate mousse, whatever the preparation, chocolate often requires being melted.For a perfect texture and shine, we favor the marie bain rather than the microwave.

Chocolat : origines, astuces de cuisine et de conservation

Summary story and characteristics of nutritional home chocolate chocolate, always the chocolate, chocolate has been delighting us, but this product widespread worldwide hides...

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