Family Planning & you — Testimonials - Madmoizelle

Family Planning & you — Testimonials - Madmoizelle

Family Planning has been helping many people for years now. MadmoiZelles testify to all that he has given them, all the support, information and help they have thus been able to benefit from.

On April 4, 2017, we learned with sadness of the death of Evelyne Sullerot, sociologist, feminist and co-founder of Planning Familial. She died of cancer at the age of 92.

The opportunity to highlight this article reminding us that Family Planning is still and always as useful as necessary.

— Posted on December 4, 2015

*Some first names have been changed.

The madmoiZelles testified en masse to tell all that Family Planning has done for them, and how essential its presence and actions are.

Anonymous and suitable contraception for all

Sometimes the beginnings of a sexual life are made without the knowledge of one's family, out of modesty or "obligation". And for a healthy and serene sexual life, the madmoiZelles have acclaimed Family Planning.

A., 16, needed contraception but could not tell her parents. It was at Planning that she obtained the information she needed, suitable contraception and serious follow-up:

Also read: Little troubles and great joys: the IUD ("IUD") told by 12 readers

Family planning welcomes minors free of charge and anonymously, a point underlined and praised by many madmoiZelles. They found a welcome there and something to live their sexuality serenely without judgement.

Alicia, for example, shudders at the idea of ​​the disappearance of the Planning, so scared is she of what could have happened to her if it had not existed...

Also read: My first sexual experiences, from fantasy to reality — Testimonials

Alice's family was not fundamentally opposed to her having a sex life, but she finds it difficult to discuss these subjects with them. Planning was therefore also the only way for her to obtain a prescription:

Family Planning & You — Testimonials - Madmoizelle

And then Alice did some research again, and that’s when she learned about Planned Parenthood.

Also read: Contraception 1/2 (pill, condom and IUDs) – Marion & Sophia

This is the case for many other madmoiZelles who have testified to their experience with Planning, such as Louise:

LeReilly recalls Planning's responses and support to the fears he had with his girlfriend when his period was late:

This case is not isolated, because Planning is a model of sex education — if not the only support for a sex education worthy of the name.

Real sex education, in and out of schools

It was Planning that gave Fluffy Shark sex education, first in college and then in a centre:

Also read: A third of students never put on a condom

Esther is also very grateful to Planning for the explanations it gave her:

When Aurore was a high school student, she went to get contraception at Planning, and now works closely with the structure.

Also read: Gyneco & consent: my body, my choice!

Noémie also underlined the support provided to professionals by Family Planning:

Paragon, a fifth-year medical student, saw the Planning from the inside:

Also read: The Women's Choir, a novel of public utility — Chronicle Book #4

And many madmoiZelles mentioned the essential nature of Planning in terms of unwanted pregnancies.

Unwanted pregnancies and abortion: the freedom to choose

Louise still remembers her distress when she became pregnant:

And the help that Planning gave her changed a lot of things for Louise.

Also read: Abortion and the fear of an unwanted pregnancy seen in comics by Mlle Karensac

Although Aurélie came across people who were less pleasant than she had hoped for, she nevertheless insisted on stressing the importance of family planning, which allowed her to have an abortion at the age of 27:

An experience that remains very isolated, so many other girls have highlighted the support they have been given at Planning. This is the case of Fanny, who turned to Planning when she became pregnant despite herself:

Anaïs is 18 years old, and she discovered her pregnancy at thirteen weeks and four days, very close to the deadline of fourteen weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. It is thanks to the responsiveness and efficiency of the Planning that she was able to abort as she wished.

Charlotte is precisely in the situation of a pregnancy she does not want, and she has made the same observations:

Also read: What my abortion taught me — Testimony

And the reception and support of Family Planning goes beyond the gynecological and sexual dimension.

Non-judgmental support for all situations

MadmoiZelles have testified to the psychological and social help that Planning has given them. Camille says:

Rebecca also found invaluable psychological support at her city's Planning:

Also read: Self-harm: testimony and psychological insight

Guides for living well

Flo wanted to tell how for decades, Family Planning has also helped births, is on the side of life to make it more free and fulfilled as possible :

Similarly, when Marina discovered she was pregnant at 16, Planning supported her so that she could keep her child as she wished.

Also read: Being a mother and a student – ​​Testimony

In conclusion, Family Planning…

Sophie explains:

SallyVonHolle would like to thank the people who make Planning such an essential structure:

As a result, the upcoming elections are scaring our madmoiZelles, starting with Cécile:

This is also Louise's intention:

Also read: Marion Maréchal-Le Pen will refuse to subsidize family planning if she is elected in the PACA region

– A very big thank you to all the madmoiZelles who testified!

Testify on Madmoizelle!

To testify about Madmoizelle, write to us at:[email protected]We can't wait to read you!