Goat's milk for babies: benefits, taste, digestion, differences with cow's milk |  PARENTS.fr

Goat's milk for babies: benefits, taste, digestion, differences with cow's milk | PARENTS.fr

Fairly recent on the market, infant milk made from goat's milk protein is now enjoying some success among young parents. What are its benefits ? What are its differences with infant milk based on cow's milk protein? We take stock with Dr. Elodie Houbani-Mimeran, nutritionist.

If breast milk remains the ideal food to meet the needs of babies according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more and more infant formulas are on sale. Thus, in August 2013, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) authorized the marketing of infant formulas based on goat's milk proteins. Slowly but surely, this baby milk has found a place in the hearts of parents (and the bellies of babies) but remains rather unknown.

Goat's milk or goat's milk protein-based infant milk: a major difference for your infant

Infant milk made from goat's milk: the definition

There is a major difference between whole or semi-skimmed goat's milk found in supermarkets and infant milk made from goat's milk found in pharmacies (and more rarely in supermarkets). Thus, native (ie unmodified) goat's milk is clearly contraindicated for babies. "The composition of goat's milk is unsuited to the nutritional needs of young children, explains doctor Houbani-Mimeran, nutritionist. One of its major faults is the absence of vitamin B12, which can lead to severe anemia. and sometimes irreversible neurological disorders. Infant milk made from goat's milk protein meets European regulations, she continues. It is strictly controlled and perfectly meets the needs of the baby. It provides sufficient quantities of all the necessary nutrients. to the baby's growth.

Cow infant milk or goat infant milk: what are the differences for these powdered milks?

Growth, weight...: no differences!

In three studies with a high level of evidence (randomized double-blind clinical trials), the growth of babies fed infant goat's milk did not differ from that of babies fed infant cow's milk. In addition, the body composition between the 2 groups of babies was also comparable. Another study, conducted in 2014, did not show any particular health risk for babies fed goat infant milk, from birth to 1 year old, compared to cow infant milk.

Lait de chèvre pour bébé : bienfaits, goût, digestion, différences avec le lait de vache | PARENTS.fr

Beware of clichés, finally, concerning the taste: that of goat's infant milk does not have the taste of goat as we can hear it and differs a little bit from that of cow's infant milk. The taste is still very weak and does not generally bother babies.

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What are the benefits of infant goat milk?

According to Doctor Houbani-Mimeran, "the lipid composition of milk based on goat's milk proteins, and in particular in the membranes of milk fat globules, would have positive effects on the cognitive performance of children and could protect against infections. " However, the studies are still insufficient in number to conclude. It would also protect against an allergic risk thanks to its richness in prebiotics, but there is also a lack of clinical trials to confirm this. "It is also a benefit that is found in other infant milks." specifies the specialist. Finally, goat's milk would appear to be more digestible than cow's milk for young children. It is its greater richness in medium-chain essential fatty acids that would contribute to this effect.

At what age can canned goat infant milk be given?

Infant milk made from goat's milk protein can be given from birth. Again, strictly regulated, it meets all baby's needs.

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Can you give goat infant milk to your baby if he is allergic or intolerant to cow infant milk?

Can goat infant milk be a substitute for cow's milk if baby is allergic to it? It would seem that the proteins of goat's milk are less allergenic than those of cow's milk. However, "goat's milk is not indicated in case of allergy to cow's milk proteins according to international recommendations, indicates Doctor Houbani-Mimeran. Indeed, allergy to goat's milk proteins can be associated with that of cow's milk proteins by cross-reaction. The best solution is to offer advanced hydrolysates of cow's milk proteins or rice proteins".

What brands and what prices for infant goat milk?

The first brand to launch this milk powder was Capricare, in January 2015. Since then, competitors, such as Prémibio with its Prémichèvre milk, or Junéo, have followed suit. Today, there are even organic versions of these milk powders. As for the prices, it is necessary to count between 5 and 10 euros more than milk based on cow's milk protein.

Read alsoAuthor: Guillaume BottonDr Elodie Houbani_Mimeran Article published on