How long should we keep cosmetics?

How long should we keep cosmetics?

Your gumming milk, like your mascara, does not escape this rule: beauty products have a limited lifespan.And it is not because the cosmetics keep themselves today that it is necessary to neglect to sort through your makeup bag.

The expiration dates reflect the deadline for use of the cosmetic product and thus ensure consumers very precious.They are found both on the primary climbing (tubes, bottles ...), but also on the secondary climbing (outdoor card).

When the lifespan of a product is less than 30 months, the packaging indicates a deadline used with the mention "to be used before".

Combien de temps doit-on conserver les cosmétiques ?

When the lifespan of a product is greater than 30 months, the PAO (period after opening) is indicated in the form of an open pot in which a figure is registered. This corresponds to the number of months "m" toNot exceed after the first use by the consumer of this product the ideal to note the opening date of the product.

PAO does not apply to perfumes or aerosols.

Cosmetics, conservation times to know

The rules to follow

How do you know if a cosmetics is expired?

Overall, an expired beauty product can have a change in color, odor or aspect. Consumer safety is no longer guaranteed.

The signs indicating the "overtaking" or expiration of a products are diverse and varied: a perfume that turns, which becomes rancid; a product that is bi-shame (like a vinaigrette with two cuts that are distinguished);A color that can change ...

The main signs of expiration of a product

Thank you to the Masters Colors team.

A lire aussiAuteur : Élisabeth de la MorandièreArticle publié le