How to overcome the difficulties of breastfeeding?

How to overcome the difficulties of breastfeeding?

Frequency and duration of feeds, mounted of milk, crevices...The difficulties encountered during breastfeeding are frequent.Advice by Christian Jean, midwife.

Breastfeeding your baby is obvious for some women, while others need a little more time to reflect.And for good reason, if the benefits for the infant are proven, it requires a certain organization and sometimes, some sacrifices.Besides, once the decision has been taken and breastfeeding, it is not uncommon to quickly encounter difficulties.Do I have enough milk?How to keep it?How to relieve pain?...The questions generally jostle in the head of a young mother and sometimes remain unanswered.Christian Jean, liberal midwife, delivers his advice to overcome these difficulties and continue to breastfeed in peace.

How to stimulate lactation?

""""It is the most difficult to manage maternity problem.Women encounter this difficulty because they are struck by different speeches, estimates Christian Jean, member of the Order of Midwives.The breastfeeding in the delivery room first of all has a decisive role because it is it which launches lactation.It is then necessary to respect a regular rhythm of feeding without being too long in order to avoid tiring the mother and the baby.Finally, it is essential that the mother is very well installed.This is indeed decisive in the start -up and the pursuit of breastfeeding.Furthermore, breastfeeding, fennel, cumin, homeopathy and galactogil medication can also help promote lactation.""""

What is the duration and frequency of feeding?

During the first days, it is advisable to breastfeed your baby on demand, without limiting the number of feedings or their duration.Then, when breastfeeding is well installed, it is best to change breasts from one feed to another.In addition, feeding should not be too long, between 15 and 35 minutes, in order to avoid tiring the mother and the baby.

Do I have enough milk?

This is the question that nursing mothers all ask themselves at least once.Whether the baby falls asleep on the breast, cries at the end of the feed or want to suck again and again, she always comes back to mind.It is sometimes even loved ones who come to sow doubt.Know that to have milk, the baby must head.Regular stimulation of breasts therefore helps maintain milk production. Si votre bébé tète de façon fréquente et """"efficace"""", il n'y a alors aucune raison de ne pas avoir suffisamment de lait.Know that after a few days, milk production generally becomes completely normal in the event of a decrease in milk.This phase is often linked to an episode of fatigue.A crying baby can express that he does not drink enough milk.You have to relax and rest, drink enough and make the breast more frequently.

Is my milk nourishing enough?

Breast milk adapts to the needs of the baby. """"Sa composition varie au cours de la tétée, en s'enrichissant en graisses au fur et à mesure que le sein se vide ou lorsque les tétées se rapprochent, mais aussi au cours de la journée et au fil des mois pour s'adapter aux besoins du bébé qui grandit"""", indique l'Inpes dans son guide de l'allaitement maternel.Breast milk thus contains everything baby needs the moment t.

How to manage the rise of milk?

The rise of milk is generally very painful.It is essential to surround yourself well. """"Le piège est d'utiliser un tire-lait, prévient le spécialiste.Indeed, it stimulates the breast and the body more prepares to produce milk again.Rather, it is necessary to practice a decongestion massage learned with the help of a midwife.The heat of the shower also helps to flow the excess milk, just like the cold.In this case, place an ice pocket or ice cubes for 15 minutes and wait 2 hours before renewing the gesture in the same place.Placing cabbage leaves and parsley in the bra is also a possibility in case of engorgement.""""

What to do in case of breast engorgement?

The breasts are sometimes engaged because the milk does not manage to pass properly towards the nipple.In this case, the breasts are stretched, hard and painful.However, breast engorgement should not cause breastfeeding.

Cesarean and breastfeeding

It is perfectly possible to breastfeed after childbirth by cesarean section.It should nevertheless be aware that the start -up of breastfeeding will be slightly different and can take a little more time. """"C'est plus difficile de mettre en oeuvre toutes les postures d'allaitement car la jeune maman a des douleurs qui sont liées à l'intervention chirurgicale.With the help of a midwife, she will however succeed in finding the posture (s) that suits her. Par ailleurs, la montée de lait peut être également retardée et survenir 4 à 5 jours après l'accouchement"""", précise Christian Jean.

My baby bites my breast or can't suckle

This may be due to the brake of your baby's tongue which is too long, the installation of the baby and/or the anatomy of the nipple.Ask your midwife or a lactation advisor to determine the exact cause.

How to treat crevices?

Crevices are often caused by a bad position of the baby to breastfeed.In case of crevices, use 3 or 4 different breastfeeding posts.Also remember to spread a drop of milk on your nipple after each feeding and to wear breastfeeding pads.If the latter stick to the channels, take them off using physiological serum rather than tearing them off.Finally, you can also apply a purified lanoline restorative cream. """"Entre 90 et 95% des jeunes mamans sont sujettes aux crevasses.To avoid them, it is essential to be well installed and to use if necessary.If the crevices are recurrent, this can also come from your child's language brake. Consultez alors un professionnel de santé"""", conseille Christian Jean, sage-femme.

What is mastite?

Mastitis corresponds to inflammation of one or two breasts.An inflammation, muscle pain, fever and fatigue appear.In front of signs evoking mastitis, it is necessary to quickly consult a doctor in order to start antibiotic and antifungic treatment.

How to keep your milk?

Drawing their milk requires a certain organization and impeccable hygiene.Once familiar with the breast pump, do not hesitate to make reservations, especially in the event of prolonged feeding.If possible, pull your milk in the morning because it is more abundant.Once the milk is pulled, it is possible to keep it in the coldest part of the refrigerator (between 0 and 2 ° C).In this case, place it immediately in the refrigerator after the collection.It must be consumed within 24 hours.You can also freeze it immediately after having collected it by indicating the date and time.Small sachets specially designed to collect breast and pre-sterilized milk are sold in pharmacies.Once frozen, breast milk can be kept for 4 months maximum at - 18 ° C.Always heat milk in a double boiler, not in the microwave.In case of doubts about the quality of the milk preserved, ask advice from a health professional or throw it.

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