How to replace milk in a recipe?- Marie Claire

How to replace milk in a recipe?- Marie Claire

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By Marie Pontail is quite possible to replace milk in a recipe. There are also several ways to replace milk according to its shape. Fermented milk (or ribot milk) can easily be replaced by whole milk to which is added a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. But it can also be replaced with light milk, that is to say skimmed milk with a tablespoon of white vinegar that we will let stand for about 15 minutes before mixing well and incorporating it to recipe. If you want to make drinks and sweet preparations, just replace milk with nuts based on walnuts such as almond milk, or by cereal milks like soy milk, oats and rice , or by milks based on seeds such as sunflower or quinoa milk. Then add almond powder. If you are allergic to cow's milk, you will have to change your diet but not at all. Also, milk can easily be replaced by soy milk (or plant milks, rice or cereals depending on your tastes and recipes). But when you are allergic to cow's milk, you must also ban the butter from your diet (to be replaced by margarine which is 100% vegetable), replace yogurts with soy yogurts, and cow cheese by Goat cheese.

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By Angèle Galcetout depends on your preparations. Milk can be replaced by crème fraîche in quiches for example. But as much to say that it immediately becomes extremely heavy! On the other hand, to make a béchamel, you can put a little milk, then replace the rest with vegetable broth water or poultry. Ditto for the soufflés. Another solution may be to dilute thick crème fraîche with natural water or rice milk. If you can't eat cow's milk at all, there are goat milk. But if there again you are intolerant, you will have to find alternatives, such as taking only plant milks, rice or cereals. Remember that milk is in many products (yogurts, butter, cheeses) and that you will have to adapt your diet. Also, there are alternatives that allow you to eat milk -free dairy products: margarine replaces butter, and soy milk yogurts are harmless. Regarding cheese, you will have to do without it ... Otherwise, there are milk -free cheeses in organic stores, but they are quite rare and expensive.

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