In Rodez for almost 60 years, Revel gives furniture a taste for travel

In Rodez for almost 60 years, Revel gives furniture a taste for travel

Subscriber, Salles-la-Source, Rodezpublié le, updated

It is one of the latest independent companies in Rodez in the field of moving.Founded in 1963, the Revel house is part of the Ruthenian economic heritage by its expertise in population travel (granted).

By its lack of autonomy as by its inability to take initiatives, the furniture needs man to move.It is true since Antiquity, antique dealers have testified to this.In a resolutely more recent period, the piece of furniture will eventually convince André and Denise Revel to go from the transport of primors to that of furniture.We are in 1963, in the family cradle of Pont-les-Bains, when the activity of this couple of entrepreneurs starts in the smell of wood."At that time, there were some 50 manufacturing workshops in carpentry and cabinetmaking, just Rodez. My father worked for them, ensuring transportation between manufacturing places, stores, customers", traces his daughter,Cécile de Grandmaison, today at the head of the family company, in association with her brother Marc.

Thread by needle, we naturally go from cabinetmaking to household appliances and dishes on behalf of more specific customers.The Revel moves were born from this evolution, especially since over the years the carpenters have been annoyed.That said, in the sixties the culture of furniture always has weight: "When people married, they had a gift in a dining room. They then bleed to offer themselves a bedroom," smiles Cécile de Grandmaison.

Always independent

But there is little moving over a lifetime, professional changes, to name a few, remain on the fringes in the dominant Aveyron rurality.The Revel retains transport for the steelworks of Decazeville in particular.Until the stop imposed by the metallurgical deindustrialisation of the basin: the move then takes on its full extent in the company, which leaves Pont-les-Bains for Rodez (avenue Durand-de-Gros, then there are 17years old, rue Saint-Michel), as close as possible to its customers.A deposit for trucks in 2005 and a parliament space will come to establish the development of this house, which will not cease to grow since then.

Garden, box… a successful formula

Cécile de Grandmaison assures him: "Storage requests are constantly growing".This is the case for furnishings, a fairly common activity among movers."It is more and more often prized by individuals who leave accommodation after having sold it without being able to develop in their new project.They then wish to deposit their things for 3 months or more ”.A trend that is growing and added to more classic requests concerning professional expatriation, goods of an inheritance that we do not want to get rid of, "and even collectors, like this lady who keeps all the numbers of Paris MatchSince their creation… ”.

À Rodez depuis près de 60 ans, Revel donne aux meubles le goût du voyage

Cécile de Grandmaison a dû passer, au fil du temps, d’un dépôt de 100 m2 carrés à Rodez, à un nouveau site de stockage de 1 200 m2, zone de Bel-Air. Du sol au plafond, celui-ci abrite des cathédrales de containers en bois, spécialement étudiés et fabriqués par une société de la Sarthe.Ces containers ne sont pas accessibles directement aux particuliers qui confient leurs affaires (pour 6 € par mois et m3). Lesquelles sont rangées « au millimètre » dans ces lourds coffres, déplaçables par des engins de manutention, et dans lesquels on trouve de tout « sauf des produits dangereux, et même alimentaires car ils attireraient des souris ! ». Il va sans dire que tout est dûment sécurisé, comme les box, installés toujours à Bel-Air mais sur un autre site.

Box for rent: a highly requested concept

C’est, là encore, une tendance très forte en matière de stockage, qui a convaincu les Déménagements Revel de se lancer dans cette activité il y a deux ans.Il s’agit d’espaces privatifs, en métal, comparables à des garages ou a des caves (de 2 à 20 m2), très abrités dans un vaste entrepôt accessible en actionnant un QR Code qui ouvre la porte blindée. Une fois à l’intérieur chaque locataire rejoint son box fermé par un cadenas… C’est un peu cher (de 29 à 120 € mensuels selon la surface), mais on peut l’utiliser de jour comme de nuit pour y déposer ou retirer « des affaires qui ont souvent une haute valeur ajoutée pour les locataires, archives, petits meubles en attente de vente, mini-stocks pour les commerçants… », glisse Cécile de Grandmaison. Un concept qui s’adresse en premier lieu « aux résidents urbains qui ont peu de possibilités de stockage quand ils demeurent en appartement ». Les 43 box sont (presque) tous loués, mais le vaste dépôt est déjà promis à s’agrandir.

With a dozen employees, eight trucks (including five for the move), Revel has nevertheless "remained craftsman and has kept his independence, insists Cécile de Grandmaison. We have enough customers so as not to need to affiliate ourselves with a large group", As most of its Ruthenian competitors did.This freedom, they combine it from Aveyron to all European countries, almost on a daily basis.Once a month in an round trip to the capital for the Aveyronnais in Paris, but also in Belgium, Portugal, Spain, England ...

A move is never trivial

Seasonal moving?More necessarily."In the past, it was the most active period in summer. Henceforth, it is all year round, with in particular corporate moves," said Cécile de Grandmaison.Who received many requests in the spring of 2020, during the first confinement, from those who decided to put themselves green, with the help of telework.

The move remains among the three factors of great stress for a majority of people, after mourning and divorce.Cécile de Grandmaison knows, and favors the value of the service.However, some consider the change as a new breath: "Our record is to have made ten moves for the same family! We offered them the tenth, in tribute to their loyalty".Small anecdotes abound with all these transports, sometimes a little special."We moved a painting of Soulages, when we are not specialized for this, but it was at the request of Pierre Soulages himself. Once in the Toulouse region, we transported the safe of a diamonda, without knowing that it was full of precious stones ... ".The move is undoubtedly a high added value service.

Moving: why not you?

Like many trades, that of mover is in tension, on the employment side.Cécile de Grandmaison regularly recruits, to ensure the roll of her teams, without necessarily finding a workforce.The arduousness is the most apparent cause, while no one needs to be an ice cabinet to move one: it's all about technique and endurance.Mixing the old and young people in the teams "makes it possible to perfect training, to develop know-how".

On the other hand, few women in these companies to ensure the handling part.It is not a question of physical strength, but of mixing genres: in the moves which spread over a long distance, in two or three days of work, the two members of the team who ensures the convoy and itshandling, sleep in the berths fitted out in trucks to secure the load.A universe not always easy to share for a man-female tandem.

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