Initiatives flourish to promote the kid

Initiatives flourish to promote the kid

“Everyone must keep a cool head so as not to fall back into the trappings of previous campaigns, warns Franck Moreau, president of the goat section of Interbev and administrator of Fnec. This year, if the stocks of goats at the end of the end of year celebrations were to be at their lowest, the price of milk powder puts us under pressure. We must have a collective strategy to pass price increases to customers of large retailers in order to get value and a profitable price for fatteners and preserve the price for cow-breeders. The prices announced at the beginning of the year partly take into account the increase in milk powder. »

Read also: [Kids] – Government support for the plan to structure the sector Read also: "Finding the balance between production and consumption of goat meat"

2022 will be rich in actions in favor of the promotion of kid: implementation of the national sector plan led by Interbev and co-financed by FranceAgriMer, end of Casdar Valcabri, progress on the Label Rouge kid project led by the goat union of Drôme , collective project in Savoies, territorial sector plan in Auvergne Rhône Alpes…

Les initiatives fleurissent pour valoriser le chevreau

"Goat is not a product that has no market," recalls Franck Moreau. We can find solutions. We are a small sector with few financial resources, so we must work in complementarity: national work must feed into regional approaches, and vice versa. »

Read also: Alternative slaughter, also for small ruminants

And after two complicated years, anything that can get out of the funnel of the long chain to rebalance the market is welcome.

Today only 30 to 35% of the volumes of kid meat marketed are in France and consumption is on the decline. “It's important to know our markets abroad, but also the French consumers. Thus, a study with the latter will be carried out in 2022. We need to know how kid meat is perceived”, continues Franck Moreau.

“Among the objectives defined collectively, there is also the realization of a study on the Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and Portuguese markets in order to know their structuring, the outlets and the flows between the countries. Although this study began before the sector plan, it feeds the ongoing reflection and also benefits from state support.

Read also: Week of taste: at your stove to cook cheese and goat meat!

“We are also working on market rebalancing solutions. The sector plan includes an important section on on-farm fattening, in order to provide farmers with tools for this practice and to find different markets. The Casdar Valcabri project, which ends at the beginning of this year, contributes to this aspect.

At the same time, Interbev is finalizing a map of service slaughterhouses, essential for structuring short supply chains. On this essential and yet often problematic stage, the regulatory and economic aspects of on-farm slaughtering, mobile or fixed, will be appraised.