Jean-Luc Lahaye: his alleged victims disparaged and “very affected” by certain texts

Jean-Luc Lahaye: his alleged victims disparaged and “very affected” by certain texts

© AGENCE 1/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye a été mis en examen.By Marine T.

Friday, November 5, 2021, Jean-Luc Lahaye was indicted for ""rape and sexual assault on minor over 15 years"" and then placed in pre-trial detention.According to the lawyer of the alleged victims, who confided in the playful on Sunday, November 7, 2021, they are relieved but affected by the criticisms of which they are the target.

Jean-Luc Lahaye spent his second night under the bars.Sunday, November 7, 2021, in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche, the lawyer for her two alleged victims confided in the case.While the famous singer was indicted for ""rape and sexual assault on minor over 15 years"" then placed in pre -trial detention, the complainants would be satisfied.""My customers are relieved, but they are very affected by leaks in the press and especially by attacks, denigration on social networks and the SMS they receive,"" said Me Nathalie Bucquet.""It should not be discouraged by other complainants.""

Also according to information from the JDD, two other young girls, with whom the artist would have had an affair, would have been identified, but no complaint was filed.Only, the lawyer for complainants now wants a real psychological expertise to be carried out on him. ""Il présente un profil de pédocriminel.It is up to a professional to appreciate the concept of grip. Moi, je constate qu'il a abusé de son statut de célébrité pour profiter de la naïveté sexuelle de très jeunes filles"", a-t-elle encore poursuivi.

Lawyers for Jean-Luc Lahaye should call on his placement in detention

On the side of the lawyers of Jean-Luc Lahaye, there is an investigation carried out.He should quickly use the placement in pre -trial detention. ""L'information judiciaire permettra de rétablir la vérité"", a ainsi lancé Me David Apelbaum.In the meantime, it is therefore in prison that the interpreter of woman whom I love sleeps.While he was to be on stage on December 19, 2021 for an event concert, it is very likely that he will be canceled.

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© TELE STAR / MONDADORI FRANCE 2/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye a été placé en détention provisoire.© TELE STAR / MONDADORI FRANCE 3/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye dort en prison.© TELE STAR / MONDADORI FRANCE 4/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye est un chanteur.© TELE POCHE / MONDADORI FRANCE 5/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye a 68 ans.© TELE POCHE / MONDADORI FRANCE 6/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye est très connu.© TELE POCHE / MONDADORI FRANCE 7/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye L'avocate des victimes présumées s'est confiée dans les colonnes du JDD le 7 novembre 2021.© TELE POCHE / MONDADORI FRANCE 8/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye L'avocate attend qu'une expertise psychologique soit menée.© LIONEL URMAN 9/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye lors d'un concert.© BALDINI 10/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye sur scène.© JLPPA 11/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye aime chanter.© BALDINI 12/12 -Jean-Luc Lahaye Jean-Luc Lahaye aime être sur scène. PrécédentSuivant 71 commentairesCommenterPartager cet article

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    violetteLe 19/12 à 10:48

    Presume victims ???? !!!! Closer Change the title of your article is a shame !!! In the same way that the accused of being declared innocent until proven otherwise, a victim must be considered as victim, until'As proof to the contrary.

    20RépondreSignaler un abus Anonyme4034307Le 23/11 à 15:41

    Manipulation of these kids and their families! From 2013 to 2021....What is the reason for all this time...I don't believe these girls...It seems ladle! I want to send my support to Jean Luc...What sadness in these eyes and sensitivity...Her song; never again...Magnificent gives a lot of emotion, excellent singer and superb voice, courage Jean Luc you will bounce back....

    43RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 08/11 à 10:32

    No more luxury, good restaurants, winter sports, holidays in the sun champagne in gogo has now read a person a few meters square and canteen far from being of a star chef, more applause or shouting hysteria, poorJean Luc he will get bored

    33RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 08/11 à 09:34

    10:33 am who is the other stupid of the television who also had problems?Another pedophile?

    00RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 08/11 à 08:59

    How is he going to do for his dyes ???? !!!!

    22RépondreSignaler un abus LoukaLe 07/11 à 22:00

    Courage ladies, you did well to file a complaint against this man with abject behavior.

    60RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 07/11 à 21:02

    In the hole for many years this 70 -year -old old thing next year.And the chicks that they stay at home instead of tearing guys

    63RépondreSignaler un abus Anonyme3993556Le 07/11 à 17:27

    However, the age of reason is seven years, right?

    62RépondreSignaler un abus violetteLe 19/12 à 10:56

    5:27 p.m..Or are you perverse to the point of thinking that there is really an age beyond which must be considered normal to abuse children ????

    20 Signaler un abus + de commentaires