Keto (ketogenic) diet: foods, benefits, menus, risks | Health Magazine

Keto (ketogenic) diet: foods, benefits, menus, risks | Health Magazine

"The keto diet has changed my relationship to food": three questions for Ayem Nour, influencer*

1. Why did you choose this method?" Because I was tired of depriving myself without results. When I heard about a diet where you could eat butter, avocado, cheese... while losing weight , it was for me! This diet has not only transformed my figure, it has changed my relationship to food. It is a diet that respects our needs."

2. Was it easy?" At first, accounting for carbohydrates, fats, proteins… seemed complicated to me. So I worked from the heart. I applied the main principles, followed the lists of authorized foods and composed my plates with common sense. I did not experience any side effects and felt in good shape from the outset."

Keto (ketogenic) diet: foods, benefits, menus, risks | Santé Magazine

3. Is this diet reconcilable with a family life?" All you have to do is prepare a carbohydrate-free meal and offer starchy foods separately for others. Or make keto dishes that everyone likes. So, I never 'plate apart' and the whole family consumed more vegetables and less processed products."

* author of Simplement Keto, ed Thierry Souccar (June 2021)