La Chapelle-d'Armentières: how the chocolate maker works despite the supply difficulties

La Chapelle-d'Armentières: how the chocolate maker works despite the supply difficulties

The taste for happiness, the tea-chocolate maker of the national road in La Chapelle-d'Armmentières, opened just fifteen days ago.A fanfare start that goes beyond the expectations of Agnès Chang-Kuw, a trader who must however adapt to the shortages in raw materials which arise from the health crisis.

Pannier paranni-charlotte |

3partagespartagertwitterSituée au numéro 182 de la route Nationale, cette chocolaterie-salon de thé a connu depuis quinze jours un démarrage en fanfare. Et le fils du couple, surtout le week-end, n’est jamais bien loin.

La Chapelle-d’Armentières : comment le chocolatier travaille malgré les difficultés d’approvisionnement

The project had been in gestation for a year.A couple of Chapellois had decided to launch their own business in the town.While his companion is still an employee in a bakery-pastry in Tourcoing, Agnès Chang-Kuw took control of the taste for happiness.Located at number 182 of the national road, this chocolate factory-Salon de tea has experienced a start-up for fifteen days."We opened with delay ....

ArticlePoursuivez votre lecture sur ce(s) sujet(s) :Économie et finances|Commerce spécialisé|Commerce de détail|La Chapelle-d'Armentières (59930, Nord)