The Okara, what is it?- She at the table

The Okara, what is it?- She at the table

1010anti-gaspi: What to do with Okara?© Juliette Pochat from the Blog Les Recipes de Juliette

Okara, Kesaco?In fact, the Okara designates the residues of oilseeds, seeds, cereals or legumes, which remain when you make homemade vegetable milk.By filtering the drink as much as possible to obtain a drink devoid of solid material, we end up with this pulp, with undeniable health benefits, which it would be a shame to throw in the trash.Presentation and recipes.

The benefits of Okara

Originally, the Okara designated the soy residues which remained after the realization of soy milk, and the term has now extended to all the plant milks Home Made.But before getting to the heart of the matter, you should know that before being able to make oilseed milk for example - almond, hazelnut or cashews - they must be rehydrated to be able to mix properly.In doing so, the process of germination of oilseeds begins, the amount of vitamins increases, while the fat level decreases, and the absorption of minerals and trace elements is favored.Thus rehydrated, oilseeds are also more digestible.

But once mixed and filtered, this material - which no longer has its place in vegetable milk - is often thrown into the trash, for lack of knowledge on the subject.And this is our biggest error!To think that the Okara has no interest and is only a "waste" which must be rid of.However, in addition to its health benefits, it does wonders slipped into a cake, a pie dough, muffins, pancakes, to give body to Energy Balls, thicken a soup or bother meat, while bringing benefits and material toall.In addition, another advantage that is very important, the oleaginous Okara is gluten -free.

Okara replacing other ingredients

If we are a novice regarding our approach with this ingredient, it must be seen as an ideal substitute for flour, breadcrumbs, and other oilseed powders.We must not forget that the Okara is simply composed of rehydrated and mixed oilseeds.No more no less.It can even be used as a replacement of an egg by mixing 1 tsp.Okara with 2 tbsp.water.On the taste side, the Okara is rather soft and neutral, especially if it is based on almonds, and will only be used to bring material, rather than flavor to a recipe.

What about the dried Okara?

If the Okara can be used directly after filtering, that is to say when it is wet, it can also be spread on a baking sheet and dry it for 1 hour at 100 °.Thus prepared, the Okara can be kept longer in a jar, out of light.

L’okara, qu’est-ce que c’est ? - Elle à Table

So much for the presentation, now, make way for Okara recipes.

Okara bites

© Stéphanie Faustin du blog Tomate sans graines

Comment on fait ? On fait fondre à feu doux de l’huile de coco et de la purée d’amandes.We mix everything with almonds, coconut flour, vanilla powder, chopped dried fruits and maple syrup.We mug the whole in a dish, and let it harden in the fridge overnight, before cut into cubes.

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Okara brownies and dark chocolate

© Ella du blog Megalow food

Comment on fait ? On fait fondre à feu doux du chocolat noir avec de la purée de noisettes.We add coconut sugar, vanilla flavor, and eggs.We finish by integrating Okara almonds or hazelnuts, and pour the dough into an oven dish.We cook 25 to 30 minutes at 165 ° C/TH.5.5, and we let cool before tasting.

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Granola at the Okara

© Hélène du blog Tasting good naturally

Comment on fait ? On mélange des flocons d’avoine avec de l’okara d’amandes, de la purée de noix de cajou et du sucre.We spread everything on a plate and bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6.It only remains to associate fresh fruit such as bananas or blueberries, a little vegetable yogurt or not, and a hint of maple syrup.

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Okara cookies of almonds

© Florence du blog Un flo de bonnes choses

Comment on fait ? On mélange de la farine et de l’okara d’amandes en même quantité, du sucre, de la levure, du beurre de coco, du lait d’amande et des pépites de chocolat noir.We form dough balls that are placed on a baking sheet, we crush them lightly with the palm of the hand, and we cook them 10 to 12 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6.We let cool before savoring.

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Okara cake

© Blog Le coconut blog

Comment on fait ? On mélange de la farine semi-complète avec de la levure, de l’okara d’amandes, des œufs, du sirop d’agave, du yaourt nature et de l’huile essentielle de mandarine.We pour into a cake pan, and bake 40 minutes at 180 ° C by monitoring browning.

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Almond Okara rocks

© Jenna du blog Bistro de Jenna

Comment on fait ? On mélange de l’okara d’amandes, du sucre complet, un œuf, de la farine d’épeautre, et de l’extrait d’amande amère.We form small dumplings that we shape in domes.We bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6, and we let cool before tasting.

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Chocolate and Okara shortbread

© Elsa du blog Envie d’une recette végétalienne

Comment on fait ? On mélange du sucre roux avec du cacao en poudre, de la farine de riz, de l’okara d’amandes, de l’huile de noisette, du lait végétal, et des pépites de chocolat.We spread the dough and detail shortbread with cookie cutters.We place them on a baking sheet, and bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6.

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Souchet and chocolate Okara cookies

© Juliette Pochat du blog Les recettes de Juliette

Comment on fait ? On mélange de la farine, du sucre de coco, de la poudre à lever, de l’huile de pépin de courge, de l'okara de souchet, de la noix de coco râpée, des pépites de chocolat, et du lait végétal.We form balls that we flatten on a baking sheet.We put in the oven 10 to 12 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6.We let cool before serving.

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Okara almonds and cherries melting

© Aurélie du blog La petite organic

Comment on fait ? On mélange de la fécule avec un peu d’eau.Apart from, we mix almond okara, buckwheat flour, full rice flour, full sugar, and powder to lift.We add olive oil, almond milk and starch.We pour everything into a dish, add the horny cherries and bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6.

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Vegetable pâté with almonds Okara

© Blog Panamsaine

Comment on fait ? On fait revenir dans de l'huile d'olive des oignons émincés avec du tofu fumé, des champignons shiitakés et du sel.We add tamari and armagnac.Apart from it, we mix almond okara, malted yeast, whole hazelnuts, eggs, flour, parsley, salt, pepper, and Espelette pepper.We add the mixture to the mushrooms, and we briefly mix one last time.We pour into a terrine, and bake 30 minutes at 180 ° C/TH.6 by lowering the oven temperature at 150 ° C/TH.5 after 15 minutes of cooking.

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