Recipe 15 easy and quick rice -based dishes

Recipe 15 easy and quick rice -based dishes

Economic and nutritious, rice is the perfect food you always have in its cupboards!How to cook it without falling into the routine?With spices, crunchy vegetables and our good ideas, you will get delicious meals.Sautéed rice, rice salad, jambalaya, sushi burger, mexican rice, milk rice ... Here are 15 easy and tasty, salty and sweet recipes that highlight this food for quick and delicious menus!Don't wait any longer to test these good little dishes.

So, ready to find the rare pearl, the recipe that suits you?Let's go :

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Sautéed chicken and vegetable rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Gkrphoto

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients:- 1 red pepper- 1 onion boot new- 1 small carrot- 1 net of rapeseed oil- 2 chicken breasts cooked and cut into cubes- 2 chopped garlic cloves- 750 g of cooked rice- 45ml of soy sauce, pepper- 30 ml of sesame oil- 3 t s of pea.

Preparation :

1.Cut the pepper and onions into cubes.Keep the green of new onions for decoration.Peel and cut the carrot into cubes.

2.In a skillet or wok, heat the oil over high heat.Get the pepper, onion and carrot for two minutes.Add the chicken, garlic, rice and soy sauce.Heat 3 to 4 minutes over high heat, stirring.Adjust seasoning.

3.When serving, add sesame oil and peas and stir.Sprinkle with sesame and coriander seeds.

Sautéed lemon and turmeric rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Sam Thomas A

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients:- 320 g of riz 1 fillet of oil- 2 C A C of turmeric powder- 1 t a c of curry powder- 2 pinches of cumin seeds- 40 g cashews- 1 lemon-salt, pepper- 4C a s of fresh coriander

Preparation :

1.In a saucepan of hot water, cook the rice according to the package instructions.Drain at the end of cooking.

2.In a hot pan, pour a drizzle of oil add the spices (cumin, curry, turmeric) and brown for 1 minute over high heat to roast them.

3.Lower the heat and add the cashews and cook for 1 minute.Add the lemon juice and zest and rice.Mix, salt, pepper and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.

4.Serve the rice, sprinkle with coriander.Possibly decorate lemon slices.

Red bean rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/AS Food Studio

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :

- 2 cloves of garlic- 1 shallot- 1 small pepper- 1 red pepper- 1 tbsp ginger- 1 net of peanut oil- 40 cl Eau- 1 cube of vegetable broth- 1 bay leaf 1 branchof thyme- 1 box of 125 g of red beans, rinsed and drained- 200 g Thai rice 2 C a s of coriander

Preparation :

1.Peel the garlic and shallot.Hoist and cut the pepper and the red pepper.To book.

2.In a frying pan, heat the oil over medium heat.Brown the garlic, shallot, chilli, pepper, and ginger inside for 5 minutes, mixing.Add the red beans and rice.To mix together.The rice must be well imbued with the mixture and translucent.

3.Boil the water and melt.The bouillon cube in it.Add the bay leaf and thyme.To book.

4.Pour a third of the broth over the rice and bring to a boil by increasing the heat for 2 minutes.

5.Lower the heat and cook gently.Pour the rest of the broth as the rice absorbs the liquid until the rice is cooked.Record the seasoning, serve sprinkled with fresh coriander.

Mushroom risotto

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Nelli Syrotynska

For 4 people preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 25 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 15 g de beurre- 2 échalotes- 250 g de champignons- Une pincée de sel- 200 g de riz arborio- 5 cl de vin blanc sec- 55 cl de bouillon de volaille chaud- 40 g de parmesan râpé- 1 CS de persil frais ciselé- un filet d’huile d’olive

Preparation :

1.In a casserole dish melt the butter.Add two chopped shallots, and the mushrooms cut into strips.Salt.Brown slightly.

2.Add the rice and bring it back so that it is pearly.Deglaze with white wine.Add a third of the broth.Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

3.Add another third of the broth, cover again and simmer for 5 minutes.Then pour the rest of the broth and let simmer again for 5 minutes.

4.Finally: add the parmesan, mix well and continue cooking the risotto for a few minutes by tasting it regularly so that it has the perfect texture: melting but not too cooked.Serve the risotto with a drizzle of olive oil and the chopped parsley.

Peppers stuffed with pesto rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Liliya Kandrashevich

Recette 15 plats à base de riz faciles et rapides

For 4 people preparation time: 20 minutes cooking time: 25 minutes Coint: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 320 g de riz- 1 poivron rouge- 1 filet d'huile

For the pesto:- 1 bouquet of basil- 1 garlic clove 50 g of pine nuts- 8 cl of olive oil- 25 g of grated parmesan- 25 g of pecorino- salt, pepper- coarse salt

Preparation :

1.In a saucepan of hot water, pre -dente the rice al dente (the rice will finish baking in the oven).Drain at the end of cooking.

2.Place the basil leaves and garlic in a blender, with pine nuts, and half of the oil.Mix to obtain a puree, add the rest of the oil and the grated parmesan with the Pecorino (keep part of decoration).Mix again.Otherwise make the mortar and pestle pesto.To mix together le pesto au riz.3.Preheat the oven to 200 °.Wash the peppers.Cut the top of each pepper.Garnish the peppers with pesto.4.Arrange the peppers in an oiled oven dish and cook for 30 minutes.

"Koofteh Tabrizi" rice dumplings with dried apricots, nuts and mint

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Ivelveteye

For 6 people preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 10 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 200 g de gigot d’agneau haché- 2 oignons- 3 œufs dont 2 œufs durs- Pistils de safran- 1 C A S de menthe hachée- 1 C A S de persil haché- Sel- 6 abricots secs- 6 cerneaux de noix- 1 C A C de curcuma- 1 C A C de cannelle- 1 C A C de noix de muscade- 20 cl de bouillon- 1 C A S de concentré de tomates- 1 C A S de graines de grenade- Quelques feuilles de menthe pour la décoration

Preparation :

1.In a bowl, mix the minced meat, a chopped onion, the chopped herbs, the saffron, the egg and season.

2.Divide the mixture of minced meat into 4 equal parts.Garnish each share of meat with a hard half-egg, crushed nuts and apricot cut in fine brunoise.Using your hands, roll everything to make balls.Put the dumplings in a baking dish.

3.Brown the remaining onion chopped in olive oil, add the spices and pour 20 cl of broth, and the tomato concentrate, then boil.Pour the spices broth over the dumplings and bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.Decorate with grenade seeds and mint.Accompany the Koofteh of Pita breads.

Beef bibimbap with vegetables

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Brent Hofacker

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :

- 300 g of basmati rice- 200 g of minced beef rums- 4 cloves of garlic- 30 g of fresh ginger- 12 cl of soy sauce- 10 g of powdered sugar- 12 cl of oil of oil of oilSesame- 45 cl of water- 50 g of soybean shoots 100 g Sautéed spinach shoots- 50 g of carrot carrots- 1 fillet of sesame oil- 2 onions- 1 fillet of oil- 4 eggs- 50 g of kimchi- 10 g of white sesame seeds for the service: 4 cl of chili pepper sauce, 1 t a c sesame seeds

Preparation :

1.Rinse the rice with clear water and cook it according to the indications of the package.Drain.

2.Mince beef.Peel and chop ginger and garlic.In a bowl, mix the sugar with soy sauce, salt, ginger, chopped garlic and add the sesame oil.Place the meat in the mixture and leave to marinate in the fridge for an hour.

3.Season the spinach, carrots, and soy shoots with a drizzle of sesame oil, salt and sesame seeds, then reserve.

4.Peel and mince the onions.In a pan of hot oil, brown the onions then add the meat with its marinade.Sauté.

5.Cook the eggs on the dish.

6.Divide the rice in bowls, place the vegetables, kimchi, meat and cooked eggs in the center.Sprinkle with sesame seeds and add 1 tbsp spicy sauce.

Mexican rice pan

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Gkrphoto

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 1 oignon haché- 2 gousses d’ail hachées- 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive- 340 g de bœuf haché- 100 g de riz- 1 boîte de 125 g de haricots rouges, rincés et égouttés- 1 boîte 250 g de tomates concassées- 18 cl de bouillon de poulet- 2 C A C de piment épépiné et haché- 1 C A C de cumin moulu- Sel et poivre- 1 boîte de 125 g de maïs, rincés et égouttés- 200 g de cheddar orange râpé- 2 C A S de coriandre fraîche ciselée

Preparation :

1.In a skillet going in the oven, brown the onion and garlic in the oil.Add the meat and cook it by crumbling it with a spoon.

2.Stir in rice, beans, tomatoes, broth, chili and cumin.Salt et poivrer.Cover and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring until the rice is cooked and the liquid is absorbed.At the end of cooking, add the corn.

3.Divide the cheese over the entire surface.Bake for 10 minutes.Leave for 10 minutes.Sprinkle the coriander pan.Serve with tortillas, cream and salad chips.

Cantonese rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Spafra

For 4 people preparation time: 20 minutes cooking time: 60 minutes Coint: for all budgets

Ingredients- 1 peeled carrot and cut into small cubes- 1 drizzle of oil- 2 new onions- 150 g of ham diced- 300 g of cooked rice- 50 g of cooked peas- 2 eggs- 2 tbsp of oil of oil from oilSesame- 2 tbsp soy-salt and pepper sauce

Preparation :

1.In a skillet, brown the carrot cut into cubes 5 minutes.Add them from ham, and the new chopped onion (keep green for decoration) and brown for 2 minutes.

2.Add the already cooked rice, mix well, add the peas, salt and mix.

3.Then pour the beaten eggs on the rice directly and mix so that the egg is distributed well throughout the rice.Continue cooking 3 minutes.

4.Season with sesame oil and soy sauce.Add salt and pepper if necessary.

Chicken pancakes and Teriyaki rice

Photo credit: Demotivator Food

For 8 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 2 C A S d'eau- 15 g de fécule de maïs- 60 ml de sauce soja- 20 g de sucre cassonade- 1 C A C de gingembre frais émincé- 1 C A C d'ail haché- 1 C A S de miel- 1 C A C d'huile de sésame- 1 C A S de mirin- 450 g de blanc de poulet- sel- poivre- 1 filet d'huile- 100 g de poivrons en julienne- 800 g de riz cuit- 1 C A S de ciboulette- 3 œufs battus- 100 g de chapelure- huile de friture

Preparation :

1.In a large bowl, mix water and cornstarch.Add the soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, honey, sesame oil and mirin.Mix well.

2.Salt et poivrer les blancs de poulet tranchés puis verser 60 ml de la sauce sur le poulet.To book une heure au frais.

3.In a large skillet over medium high heat, pour the rest of the sauce and stir from time to time until boiling.

4.Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the sauce thickened.To book dans un bol.

5.Heat a drizzle of oil on medium -lived heat.Place the marinated chicken pieces in the pan and cook for 3 minutes.Return and cook for another 3 minutes.

6.Pour 1 tablespoon of reduced sauce on the chicken and stir.Add the cut vegetables.Season with salt and white pepper and cook 3 to 4 minutes until the vegetables softened.

7.Take 65 g of cooked rice and flatten it on a piece of plastic film.Place the chicken and vegetables cooked in the center of the rice and wrap the rice around.Repeat with the rest of the rice and the stuffing.

8.Cool the rice pancakes in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

9.Dip the rice pancakes in the beaten eggs then coat them with breadcrumbs.Remove excess breadcrumbs.

10.Heat oil in a pan at 180 ° C and cook for 3 minutes on each side until golden and crisp.

11.Drain them on absorbent paper and season with salt.Cut in half and serve with the rest of the sauce.

Sushi Burger with salmon and lawyer

Photo credit: Demotivator Food

For 4 people preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 10 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 2 C A S de vinaigre de riz- Sel- 1 C A S de cassonade- Riz rond japonais cuit- 150 g de saumon frais- 1 citron vert- Sel & poivre- Mayonnaise- Feuilles de nori- 1 avocat- 1 oignon rouge- 1/4 de concombre- 5 lamelles de gingembre mariné- Quelques feuilles de coriandre- Mayonnaise- Graines de sésame

Preparation :

1.In a small container, mix the rice vinegar with 1 teaspoon of salt and the brown sugar.Pour this seasoning over Japanese rice, cooked still hot.Mix well et réserver.

2.Cut the fresh salmon in small as for a tartare.Transfer into a dish and pour the lemon juice, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and mix well.

3.Place on a plate: have a long nori sheet strip in the center and place a cookie cutter in the center.

4.Fill the bottom of the cookie cutter with rice and tamp.Add the marinated salmon to fill the cookie cutter.

5.Remove the cookie cutter and continue the dressing of the burger by adding avocado, red onion, cucumber cut in the mandolin, marinated ginger, coriander leaves and cover with mayonnaise.

6.To make the top "bun": take a small round bowl, tamp fragrant rice and unmold to obtain the "summit".Sprinkle with sesame seeds and fold the nori leaf strip so that it goes around the burger.

Rice Jambalaya Cajun

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Msheldrake

For 6 people preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 30 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 2 cubes de bouillon de volaille- 1 filet d'huile- 2 blancs de poulet coupés en morceaux- 100 g de chorizo coupé en rondelles- 100 g de jambon en dés- 2 oignons finement hachés- 3 gousses d'ail finement haché- 1 poivron vert coupé en cubes- 1 branche de céleri coupé en bâtonnets- 250 g de riz long grain- 1 cuillère à café d'origan- 3 pincées de thym- 2 clous de girofle- 5 pincées de piment de cayenne- 15 grosses crevettes roses cuites décortiquées- 4 brins de persil plat coupés finement- Sel, poivre

Preparation :

1.Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a saucepan and add the broth cubes.To book.

2. Dans une poêle, faire chauffer un filet d’huile, ajouter le poulet et le faire revenir 5 minutes Ajouter le chorizo et le jambon et poursuivre la cuisson 2 minutesTo book.

3.In a casserole dish over low heat, heat a drizzle of oil, add the onions, garlic, pepper and celery.Cook for 4 minutes, mixing then pour the rice and cook for minutes, stirring, stirring.Then add the ham mixture, chorizo, and chicken and pour the hot chicken broth, oregano, thyme, cloves and pepper.Season, cover and simmer 20 to 25 minutes, mixing regularly.

4.Add the shrimp and sprinkle with flat parsley.

The classic rice salad

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Oxana Denezhkina

For 6 people preparation time: 5 minutes cooking time: 10 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 200 g de riz- 3 œufs- 250 g de tomates cerises- 1 poivron- 1 oignon rouge- 1 boîte de 150g de thon en boite égoutté- 1 boîte de 115 g de cœur de palmier, rincés et égouttés- 1 boîte de 140 g de maïs en grains, rincés et égouttés- Mayonnaise- 3 C A S de persil frais haché

Preparation :

1.Start by cooking the rice as indicated on the package then set aside in the fridge.Cook the eggs in a large saucepan of water, 9 minutes so that they are hard, then remove the shell.

2.Place the rice in a large bowl.Add the tomatoes cut in half, the pepper seed and cut in from, the finely chiseled red onion, the tuna, the palm hearts, the corn and the parsley.To mix together à votre guise avec la mayonnaise.

4.Then add the eggs cut in 4 to decorate.

Strawberry milk rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Liliya Kandrashevich

For 4 people preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 30 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 50 cl de lait entier- 20 cl de crème liquide entière- 200 g de riz rond- 1 gousse de vanille- 165 g de sucre de canne- 100 g de fraises- Coulis de fraises- Quelques feuilles de menthe

Preparation :

1.Split the vanilla pod in half and take the grains from the pod.

2.In a saucepan, pour the milk, cream, sugar, vanilla grains and rice.

3.Cook for about 35 to 40 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.

4.Hoist strawberries.

5.In bowls, draw up milk rice.Decorate with strawberries, strawberry coulis and fresh mint.

Coconut milk rice rice

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Tarapatta

For 4 people preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 10 minutes Coût: for all budgets

Ingredients :- 120 g de riz gluant (à faire tremper 4 heures dans l'eau avant cuisson)- 100 ml de lait de coco- 2 C A S de sucre- 2 pincées de sel- 1 mangue

Preparation :

1.Soak the sticky rice in advance (at least 4 hours) in 3 or 4 times its volume of cold water.Arrange the rice in a clean and wet cloth, in the steam basket of your steam cooker and cook for 20 minutes.

2.Heat the coconut milk, with sugar and salt, then add the cooked rice and mix.Cut the heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes so that the rice absorbs all the liquid.

3.Using a cup or a small mold, fill with rice and unmold on a plate, otherwise place in small home cups in banana leaves serve with fresh mango.

Vous vous sentez l'âme d'un chef ? Pour d’autres recettes à base de riz, nous vous suggérons nos vidéos de recettes : Des sucettes au chamallow et riz soufflé décorées avec des M&M's, notre riz au lait aux kakis, de savoureuses madeleines au thé matcha et à la farine de riz.