Sterilization of the bottle: it is no longer necessary!|

Sterilization of the bottle: it is no longer necessary!|

INPES, the French Society of Neonatalogy, the Ministry of Health or the Perinatal Network of Paris, all agree: sterilization is no longer recommended at home.And not even necessary!Update with MarieJuglaret, nurse-power culturer and homecurk at home (*).

Sterilization of bottles: why it is no longer necessary

Parents: why in recent years the sterilization of bottles, which however reassures young parents, is no longer relevant? MarieJuglaret: to be effective, sterilization requires drastic hygiene conditions, that it is normal to followIn the hospital because the environment itself carries germs, with infectious risks likely to contaminate vulnerable children.At home, if we really wanted to be in the conditions of satisfactory sterilization, it would be necessary, after sterilization, to recover all the elements constituting the bottle with a clamp, to reconstitute it just after when it is still wet, andPut it in the fridge to avoid the development of germs.After 24 hours, if it has not been used to prepare a bottle of milk, it is no longer considered sterile.So you have to start again!

Parents: It is better a good cleaning than approximate sterilization? M.J.: Indeed, not being aware of the essential measures, parents can make mistakes.For example, drying the sterilized bottle in the open air, which amounts to washing the bottle in water and soap with a bottle.And it's more than enough!Or clean with soap, then sterilize without having rinsed very carefully: the processing of the process leads to the fixing of the soap particles remaining on the bottle ... Likewise, there is no point in sterilizing a bottle if you put it on the edgemore or less clean cook.And often, when sterilization is made cold with a effervescent tablet, parents prefer to rinse it to remove the product of the product.But if we rinse, we "compensate"!

Stérilisation du biberon : elle n'est plus nécessaire ! |

Parents: Is sterilization necessary with a premature baby? M.J.: Unlike a received idea, no.If he got out of maternity and returned home, he is considered healthy.And doesn't need another baby.

Parents: What advice to provide to ensure the best hygiene of bottles? M.J. :Juste après la tétée, faire un premier rinçage à l’eau froide, puis plonger le biberon en séparant les accessoires dans un bain d’eau chaude avec du liquide vaisselle, laisser tremper quelques minutes et nettoyer le corps du biberon et la tétine à l’aide d’un goupillon.Rinse thoroughly and let dry without wiping.Of course, to this are added simple hygiene rules, such as manipulating the equipment with clean hands, arrange a small disinfected corner and regularly cleaned.But also, change the bottleillon every month (it often remains damp, placed on the edge of the sink), put it to dry in a vertical position in a clean glass, and boil it every 24/48 hours.

(*) Nursery nurse, founder of B like Baby,

A lire aussiAuteur : Sylviane Deymié,Journaliste Puériculture, Pédiatrie, PsychoExpert :MarieJuglaret, infirmière-puéricultrice, fondatrice de www.bcommebaby.comArticle mis à jour