The color of stools, a reflection of health

The color of stools, a reflection of health

Often brown but sometimes green, yellow or black, the saddles can take on different shades. These colors actually reflect the functioning of your digestive system. And also allow to detect a possible pathology.

“Observing your stools daily at the bottom of the toilet is not a useless gesture and should even become a lifestyle reflex”, can we read in the February edition of the magazine “Que Choisir”. "Little evoked by taboo or disgust, the change in color of excrement is a reflection of diet, the intake of food supplements but also of certain health problems".

Brown, yellow, orange…

The color of the stool, a reflection of the health -

When they take on brown to beige hues, the stools are said to be “healthy”, even if no food of this color has been ingested. This color actually comes from the degradation of a pigment (stercobilin) ​​by the intestinal microbiota. The other colors are:

In all cases, an abnormal color that persists can be "the sign of a pathology of the liver, gallbladder, gallbladder, intestine or even a problem of transit or digestion or even a hemorrhage" .