Tips and recipe ideas to get in shape during postpartum

Tips and recipe ideas to get in shape during postpartum

No postpartum diet

Postpartum is the period after birth, also called the 4th trimester of pregnancy. Once Baby is born, many women are in a hurry, and it is legitimate, to find their body "before". It is essential to keep in mind that the first months following childbirth are intended to allow you to recover, to recharge your batteries, to help your body, which has worked a lot during these last nine months, to regenerate. Exit the draconian diets low in calories, the "dry": to regain its energy after childbirth, the body requires a vitalizing diet. This is explained by the naturopath Julia Simon in her book "Fourth trimester natural recipes".

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postpartum nutrition

Three qualities are to be sought in a diet specific to young mothers; in order to recover emotionally and physically after childbirth: - warming (by the temperature of the dishes, by the flavors and their nature, to prevent the cold from altering the energy and causing fatigue in the long term) - comforting (for relax the body and soothe the mind) - revitalizing (to gain vitality through food, favoring "superfoods" - goji berries, dates, pollen, seaweed, ginger... and sublimating your menus).

Conseils et idées de recettes pour retrouver la forme pendant le post-partum

Also, remember to take care of yourself and your baby. This postpartum period is more or less long depending on the woman, but it is nonetheless intense.

Foods to eat to get back in shape after childbirth

It is preferable to choose organic food, from responsible agriculture, to avoid chemical products and prepared meals as much as possible. Bet on fruits and vegetables which will provide fibre, minerals, vitamins with antioxidant properties, "good fats", essential for hormones and your nervous system (oils, fatty fish, eggs), oilseeds, very nutritious, proteins, legumes, cereals, etc. Also remember to stay hydrated.

The broth, the essential dish for the postpartum

The broth, very digestible, rich in minerals, collagen and amino acids, is perfect to help the body recover and to support the emotions of the young mother. It allows you to regain strength and good muscle recovery, it helps to repair the tissues damaged during baby's birth (caesarean section, episiotomy, tearing, etc.) and stimulates immunity by working in depth on the intestines. "I ideally advise drinking broth (chicken, beef, vegetarian, every day), for 10 to 15 days. It can be consumed as an accompaniment to your meal and you can create complete meals by simply adding proteins, shiitakes and/or noodles", advises Julia Simon.

Discover 5 postpartum friendly recipe ideas, taken from Julia Simon's book.