What if social networks disappeared?|The press

What if social networks disappeared?|The press

Et si les réseaux sociaux disparaissaient ? Difficile de se l’imaginer, non ? Les réseaux sociaux n’ont même pas 20 ans, et concevoir un monde sans eux tient déjà de l’expérience de pensée. La Presse s’est prêtée à l’exercice.Et si les réseaux sociaux disparaissaient ? | La Presse Et si les réseaux sociaux disparaissaient ? | La Presse

Publié le 7 nov. 2021
Léa CarrierLa Presse

A plausible threat

Computer platforms that host social networks are not immune to a major breakage.The breakdown that has suspended Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram services for six hours on October 4, reminded us.

What if the breakdown had been longer?Final?It’s improbable, but possible, in theory.

"A computer attack could virtually destroy all the data [of social networks] or do their service inaccessible for a long time," said Stéfan Monnier, professor in the IT department of the University of Montreal.

In practice, the attack would require a high level of organization, a detailed knowledge of the services referred to, and should bypass "all kinds of measures that are set up to have backup copies".

Nevertheless, these attacks, which "increase frequency and severity", already constitute "a major concern" for states and private companies.

It is on the basis of this hypothesis that we have left the field free to different experts, including a philosopher and a novelist, to write the scenario of the death of social networks - one among a field of possibilities - between theApocalyptic film and the frank comedy.

The shock wave

It could happen anytime.One Monday in November, hey.

On the way to work, between two thumb sweeps, an error message is displayed on the screen.Around the globe, more than four billion social media users fix the same wheel that turns endlessly.

"I wonder all the time: where am I going to be when everything will let go?""Said the author and follower of apocalyptic stories Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard (manual of wild life, high demolition, royal).

In the scenario he invents out loud, the first hours of the megapanne are rather quiet.No rush, no sirens that sound in the distance.The event does not strike the imagination as a pandemic (or a zombie attack).He has something absurd, even.

If humans have experienced millennia without Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Company, why is it so difficult to imagine a world after them?

Et si les réseaux sociaux disparaissaient ? | La Presse

Because a backtrack is not possible, believes MiltonCampos, retired professor of communications at the University of Montreal.

"You have to understand that the arrival of digital technology is the result of research and efforts, but also a human need.»»

We are billions of human beings.To manage collective life - to administer the species - we needed to develop these [networking] tools.

MiltonCampos, retired professor of communications at the University of Montreal

« Et comme l’être humain, d’un point de vue cognitif, est un animal qui résout des problèmes, il a intégré ces outils pour résoudre les problèmes de la vie»», ajoute M.Campos.

Like a cyborg, points out Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard.Social networks have equipped us with superhuman capacities, such as communicating to the other end of the world, in a fraction of a second.

Finally, so far.


The shock cashed, the tension rises from a notch.

After a few hours, the first symptoms related to weaning social networks begin to manifest themselves. Ils se présentent sous la forme de colère, d’irritation et d’humeur dépressive, énumère la Dre Marie-Anne Sergerie, qui s’intéresse à la cyberdépendance.

"If these symptoms come out, it is because they were associated with excessive use [social networks].For other people, it will not be an issue. Chacun va le vivre d’une façon différente, selon la fonction qu’occupaient les réseaux sociaux dans leur vie»», nuance-t-elle.

These platforms serve both communication and work tools, entertainment and ensures the free movement of information.Without them, it is the whole social organization that must be rethought, notes the author Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard.

C’est le retour de la collecte des dates d’anniversaire (« je connais juste celui de ma mère !»»), des chaînes de courriels (« malheureusement»») et le deuil des archives virtuelles (remise de diplôme de fiston, 50e anniversaire de mariage), toutes évacuées dans la mégapanne.

Et pour se tenir au courant des rumeurs de la ville – parce que le potinage remplit aussi un besoin social –, où se donne-t-on rendez-vous ? « J’aime m’imaginer que les théâtres et le Centre Bell deviendraient les nouveaux perrons d’église !»», dit en rigolant Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard.

In addition, the collapse of social networks would cause a stock market crash that could potentially affect the real economy, sees DavidDupuis, economist and professor at the University of Sherbrooke.

"There are stock market crashs that only remain that, but there are others who have the power to affect the feeling of consumers.We then come into a droy period and people, as a precaution, will tend to contract their consumption. Ça pourrait certainement arriver»», explique M.Dupuis.

The reflection

After weeks, even months, dust falls back.

We slow down the rhythm, imagines the French philosopher Pierre Musso, specialist in information and communication sciences. Dans son livre Critique des réseaux, il s’est intéressé à la genèse du « réseau»», dont la première figure remonte à l’Antiquité et renvoie à un entrelacement de fils comme un filet de pêche.Later, with the industrial revolution, it became railroad, then electricity and internet.

If it becomes more powerful and complex at each transformation, the network has been taking a completely different measure for 20 years.

"The planetary scale and the speed of use of social networks have transformed the rhythm of society. Nous sommes sur des temps très courts et de très hautes fréquences, qui modifient l’attention et les comportements»», dit Pierre Musso.

Conversely, their disappearance is a decelerator.

We consume less, predicts Professor Emeritus at HEC Montréal and specialist in retail trade JacquesNantel.In 2021, $ 1 invested in advertising on Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok is more effective than the same amount invested in any other advertising medium (thanks the optimization algorithms).

In some cases, social networks themselves become market places.

"It's a bit like you remove half of the products in a grocery store.We are less tempted to buy things, especially since a large part of our consumption, especially in developed countries, these are non -essential products. Et l’achat de ces produits est très activé par les réseaux sociaux»», ajoute M.Nantel.

We campaign at a different pace, also.

"On social networks, there is the trendy element. Quelque chose est à la mode, les gens vont partager une information, se dire que le boulot est fait et passer à autre chose»», remarque l’historien et rappeur Webster.

Close to militant circles, he witnessed the transition of street activism to the Twittosphere.Word-click leaflets.From action to reaction.Perhaps it would be interesting to bring out the boxes of milk and the pamphlets, he believes.

"If you want to show your indignation, your anger, you have to get out of your house.It requires more investment, more time, but that's where we see who is really convinced by his cause.»»


So how does this story conclude?Ultimately, the philosopher Pierre Musso sees two outcomes there. Soit l’humanité célèbre « la libération de ces réseaux qui surveillent et capturent les données, les revenus publicitaires et l’attention»».

Either she revolts.

The imagination of the network is the freedom to communicate, to express oneself.In the name of this individual freedom, there could be demonstrations, petitions.

Pierre Musso, specialist in information and communication sciences

If he were to predict the future, Pierre Musso bets more on the second outcome.Why ?The answer is in your pocket.

"In the history of human beings, there are very few objects that have been agreed to carry on yourself as essential.Clothes, jewelry, glasses, watch.And the smartphone.Interrupting social networks would be to tear a large part of the activity from the smartphone, something that is deeply individualized, which is experienced and perceived as an element of self.»»

The word of the end goes to the author Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard, who has the turn to surprise us.

"History ends with someone, in their room, who clicks on" Enter "and a new social network is online.After all that we would have learned, we rebuilt exactly the same case and the cycle starts again.Finally, I think my story would be a comedy... Ça me donne le goût de l’écrire, ce livre-là !»»