What to replace milk with: 6 ingredients

What to replace milk with: 6 ingredients

Whether you are intolerant, allergic, vegan, or have difficulty digesting it, cow's milk cannot be consumed by everyone. But then, what to replace milk in the kitchen? Discover our tips and ingredients for making recipes, like those for pancakes, without milk and just as delicious!

We often wonder what to replace butter with, but how to replace milk in cooking? In your cakes, quiches, pancakes and other tasty preparations, there are many ingredients. Various vegetable drinks, water and tofu among others, are excellent alternatives. Overview.

1. Water

To avoid cow's milk, you can simply replace it with... Water! In broth for more flavors or plain in a pancake recipe for example, it will perfectly replace milk.

Our recipe idea: Crêpes by Christophe Michalak

2. Vegetable drinks

Derived directly from cereals, legumes or even nuts, vegetable drinks are numerous and lactose-free. Almond, hazelnut, chickpea, rice, soy milk... There are as many different tastes as there are vegetable milks, so you can easily adapt them to each and each recipe.

Our recipe idea: Far Breton with oat milk

3. Coconut milk

Par quoi remplacer le lait : 6 ingrédients

Coconut milk, well known in the kitchen, can also very easily replace cow's milk in your preparations. Tasty, it adds a touch of exoticism from starter to dessert!

Our recipe idea: Butternut risotto & coconut milk

4. Tofu

Originally from China, tofu is a derivative of soybeans with a neutral taste that allows it to adapt to many recipes. It soaks up their flavors and needs to be well seasoned. Perfect alternative for your desserts, it can be eaten in both savory and sweet versions, diced, in soup or in pastries.

Our recipe idea: Lemon-grapefruit vegetable mousse with silky tofu

5. Cream

For your cakes, sweet mousses or even your gratins, cream is ideal to replace milk! It can also be of plant origin such as oat, soy or rice cream.

Our recipe idea: Mug Cake with honey and chocolate chips

6. Yogurts

Yogurts too can easily replace milk in your preparations. Ideal for your sweet or savory cakes. And for a naturally less sweet yogurt, opt for Greek yogurt!

Our recipe idea: Carrot cake

What to replace milk with: 6 ingredients

WaterVegetable drinksCoconut milkTofuCreamYoghurtsWe often wonder what to replace butter with,but how to replace milk in cooking? In your cakes, quiches, pancakes...

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