Women, more affected by the crisis |Coronavirus |Radio- Canada.ca

Women, more affected by the crisis |Coronavirus |Radio- Canada.ca

The sectors most abused by closures are segments of the economy which generally employ more women than men: retail, catering and accommodation, especially.We could also add educational establishments and daycares.

It should also be noted that the pressure is particularly strong, in these pandemic times, on all women on the front line, many and majority in several functions of health and social services.

The jobs of the less affected sectors, which have maintained their activities or which are considered as engines of takeover by governments, are more occupied by men, mainly manufacturing industries and construction.

More losses in women

The figures - and I warn you, I will present you a whole range here - clearly show that the current crisis affects women more.

According to Statistics Canada, he got lost 213,000 jobs in January 2021 in the country.Among 25-54 year olds, there are 33,500 losses in men, but 73,400 in women.The unemployment rate is 7.5 % among men aged 25 to 54, and 7.8 % among women in the same age group.

Compared to January 2020, there are 156,000 less jobs among men aged 25 to 54, and 193,000 lost jobs in women in the same age group.

Comme en mars et en avril 2020, écrivait Statistique Canada le 5 février 2021, lorsque l'arrêt initial de l'activité économique lié à la COVID-19 avait entraîné de plus fortes baisses de l'emploi chez les femmes que chez les hommes, le recul de l'emploi enregistré en janvier a été plus de deux fois plus important chez les femmes du principal groupe d'âge actif que chez les hommes du même groupe d'âge.

Les femmes, davantage touchées par la crise | Coronavirus | Radio-Canada.ca

The level of use of women aged 25 to 54 is 3.2 percentage points from its level of February 2020 against 2.7 points in men. Et la chute des postes à temps partiel a surtout concerné les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans et les femmes de 25 à 54 ans, alors qu’ils sont plus susceptibles de travailler à temps partiel dans des secteurs directement touchés par les mesures de santé publique liées à la COVID-19, y compris le commerce de détail et les services d'hébergement et de restauration.

In Quebec, the Institute of Statistics confirms the trend. La pandémie a davantage affecté la participation au marché du travail des femmes au troisième trimestre de 2020, écrivait l’ISQ le 9 février 2021. [...] The catch -up of employment was always slower in women than in men in the fourth quarter of 2020, but the gap between the sexes was reduced to what had been observed in the third quarter.

Many women leave the labor market

In the United States, we went from 47.6 million women aged 25 to 54 in the working population in January 2020 to 44.9 million in January 2021.Among women who are the main family suppliers, the unemployment rate rose from 7.2 % in December 2020 to 8.3 % in January 2021.

In a press briefing, on February 5, 2021, Jared Bernstein, member of the White House Economic Council, said that, among 25-54 year olds, 2.6 million women had left the active population since February 2020, a drop4 percentage points.

Il disait que c’était très préoccupant pour l’administration Biden et que cela reflétait clairement le fait que les industries les plus fortement touchées par la pandémie – les services touristiques, les secteurs relationnels, les loisirs, l’hébergement, la restauration – et la hausse des responsabilités domestiques ont sorti beaucoup de femmes de la population active.

Speeches and solutions

Federal Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Maryam Monsef, announced on Thursday a fund of $ 100 million for projects aimed at helping the poorest people, especially women.This is certainly a start.

However, the crisis we have known for a year is unique.It is different from the recessions that we have been able to go through in recent decades.One of its peculiarities is to achieve more strongly economic women.The choices of political decision -makers must take this into account, first in their speeches, but also in their support.

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