Lower building permits weigh on Kaufman & broad's supply

Lower building permits weigh on Kaufman & broad's supply

Batirama.com 01 / 10 / 20210

Le promoteur français Kaufman & Broad a publié un résultat net multiplié par trois sur les neuf premiers mois de 2021, et confirmé ses perspectives pour l'année en cours.

In the current year, the promoter confirms that he is aiming for a turnover of "close to €1.3 billion" and says he is considering paying a dividend of "at least €1.85 per share", subject to "stabilisation of the current economic and health situation", he said.

D' août à septembre, le groupe a noté une "amélioration de la dynamique des réservations logement" (+7,9% en volume et +30,2% en valeur sur un an), qui atteste du "caractère soutenu de la demande, tant de la part des acquéreurs particuliers que des institutionnels", commente Nordine Hachemi, PDG de Kaufman & Broad.

La baisse des permis de construire pèse sur l'offre de Kaufman & Broad

"however, the decline in the allocation of building permits for more than 20 months continues to weigh on the commercial supply," he says. In the first nine months of 2021, accommodation bookings fell by 22.3% to 837.2 million euros (VAT). Homeowners account for 18 per cent of sales, compared to 12 per cent for the same period in 2020, half as much as investors (39 per cent).

The Austerlitz train station project awaiting the decision of the Court of Appeal

With regard to his large project of Gare d'Austerlitz offices in Paris, "the implementation of the contracts is still possible in the second half of 2022," says Hachemi. Indeed, a hearing was scheduled for 21 October by the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal concerning the appeal on the building permit, while the interim measure to suspend the works was rejected on 6 July, he said.

The promoter also said that he had signed an agreement with the Bank of the Territories (CDC) in September to create a real estate, which would develop "a portfolio of ten senior residences" for some "150 million euros over the next few years".

Source: eprints.undip.ac.id