Sunburn: duration, treatments, blister, relief

Sunburn: duration, treatments, blister, relief

What is a sunburn?

Sunburn (or solar erythema) is a burn of the skin caused by exposure to UVA and UVB rays. This is a first degree burn that can, in the most severe cases, cause blisters. Sunburn can also leave skin scars.


The sunburn triggers redness of the skin accompanied by a feeling of heat and pain. At an even more serious stage, headache and fever may occur. In the latter cases, seek advice from a pharmacist or doctor. Symptoms may worsen within 2 days of sunburn, but fade after a few days.

How long does a sunburn last?

The duration of a sunburn depends on its severity. When it is superficial, it usually disappears after a week. But, in some cases, it can take a month to go away.

What remedies?

To relieve the symptoms, you can apply a soothing ointment. You can apply Biafine® or aloe vera to moisturize the skin and repair it. As Dr. Michael Naouri, dermatologist, reminds us, "beware of the use of aloe vera in case of allergy". It is essential not to expose yourself to the sun again before the disappearance of pain and redness. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. If the symptoms are very severe or if the sunburn covers a large area of ​​the body, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice. Among the natural remedies recommended for sunburn:

Sunburn and blisters: what to do?

In more advanced cases, blisters, called "blisters", may appear. "It is possible to pierce them or simply wait for them to disappear" indicates the dermatologist.

What to do in case of sunburn?

Coup de soleil : durée, traitements, cloque, le soulager

The fire of the sunburn must be quickly appeased: shade, water... More advice:

How not to peel?

To avoid peeling, it is recommended not to rub the skin with a washcloth so as not to attack the epidermis. It is also better to moisturize your skin sufficiently. For this, apply aloe vera or moisturizers daily. In addition, avoid exposing yourself to the sun again to avoid aggravating the situation.

What to do in case of sunburn in children?

Sunburn caught in childhood predisposes to melanoma later in life, which is why it is essential to protect children.

Avoid sunburn

→ Sunscreen should be used as much as you want during sunny holidays! Whatever your skin type, in case of strong sunlight, your cream must have at least a protection index (IP) of 30. Use protective creams. Effective sun protection is therefore essential to reduce the penetration of UV rays into the skin and therefore the damage caused to the DNA of skin cells.

→ Check that the sunscreen also protects against UVA because it generally only concerns Ultra-violet type B (UVB). Finally, choose a water-resistant sunscreen that says "water resistant" if you swim. It is advisable to continue to protect yourself even when you are tanned.

→ Note that a barrier cream opened the previous year no longer has the same protection. It is therefore advisable to buy a new tube every summer. Sunscreen should be renewed every 2 hours. The sun is most aggressive between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., so prolonged sun exposure should be avoided in the early afternoon. Self-tanners and dietary supplements do not provide sun protection.

→ Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Sunburn and skin cancer

The major risk of repeated sunburns is that of developing skin cancer. Indeed, overexposure of the skin before the age of 15 is a factor favoring the appearance of skin cancer. 80,000 new carcinomas and 11,200 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed each year in France (League against cancer). "Even without sunburn, the skin suffers as soon as the tan appears, which increases the risk of carcinomas and causes the appearance of wrinkles", warns the specialist.

When to consult?

It is advisable to seek the advice of a pharmacist or doctor:

Thanks to Dr. Michael Naouri, dermatologist.


Heal everything with 16 essential oils, Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, editions Terre Vivante, 2019.

Essential oils, the complete guide for the whole family, Solar Editions, 2019.

The secrets of my herbalism, Caroline Gayet and Michel Pierre, Interditions, 2019.