We adopt the Tao method, a healthy program for a light silhouette

We adopt the Tao method, a healthy program for a light silhouette

The 9 rules to follow for easy and efficient digestion

Pre-cut your food

Digestive work, which is called "digestive fire" in Chinese medicine, mobilizes a great deal of energy by soliciting the stomach, which reduces the food ingested, then the spleen, which will distribute the nutritive substances in the body. To facilitate this passage, we cut everything into small pieces: cylindrical for carrots, cucumber, leeks (in length to respect the fibers), in sections for asparagus, at an angle of 1 to 2 cm for other vegetables, in cubes or in strips for meat, fish, shellfish, which also allows faster cooking and therefore less loss of vitamins. Note that if you chew your food for as long as possible, even cut it, it will be even more digestible once impregnated with salivary enzymes.

We limit cold or raw dishes

Whether it's for vegetables, proteins or even desserts, raw, cold and frozen foods tire the spleen. Same thing for raw cereals, whether in grains, flour, flakes, and even sprouted seeds (very fashionable), they become indigestible. Consequences: we store fat and slow down weight loss, we feel tired after meals, bloating and cravings for sweets.

Calming the digestive fire

To trigger weight loss, it is therefore necessary to facilitate the "digestive fire", i.e. the digestion process, by favoring so-called neutral cooking such as the blanching of raw vegetables: they are plunged, cut into strips, in boiling water, then they are removed as soon as the water starts to simmer again, which allows them to retain their crunch. Steam cooking is recommended, but not just anyhow: "Food should not soak during cooking and the water should not exceed 1/3 of the height of the pan", notes Anne Tran.

Tao-style balanced diet

You compose your plate with 40% cereals and 35% vegetables. The animal proteins (10 to 15%) are there to accompany the dish, and not the other way around. Finally, pulses (5%), fruits (5%) and oils complete the meal in small portions. “Two evenings a week, we replace animal proteins with vegetable proteins such as chickpeas or lentils,” suggests Anne Tran. The rest of the time, we give pride of place to fish and tofu. The drop in calories leads to physical and moral fatigue. To hold on, you have to compensate with foods rich in iron: “Every two weeks, you compose your dishes with offal (such as candied gizzards, veal liver). The seasonings – oil, vinegar, pepper, mustard, and especially spices and aromatic herbs –, by their stimulating properties, help the spleen and the stomach to function well.

We limit 100% complete

Beware of the excess of whole foods, many of which are indigestible. We will favor the semi-complete, which is often much better tolerated by our digestive system.

We drink gently

“The body must be moistened regularly to eliminate toxins in the urine. To do this, you must drink 2 to 3 sips of water at each intake throughout the day, and not swallow liters at once. The quantity does not matter, says the coach, an excess of liquids, especially cold, is a load that weakens the kidneys and the spleen. »

We avoid food stagnation

It is a chronic accumulation caused by excessive lavish meals taken too late in the evening, fatty, heavy foods, swallowed in a hurry, without being chewed, with, sometimes, nibbling, which interrupts the cleaning process… To avoid this, fixed times are the solution: 7 a.m., 12 p.m., 7 p.m. In the meantime, we drink tea.

Dampness is reduced in the body

"Our diet brings too much moisture into the body, which the spleen can no longer evacuate", emphasizes Anne Tran. This accumulation causes a transformation of liquids into mucus, such as fats. To avoid this, all dairy products and their derivatives (butter, yogurts and cottage cheeses, for example) should be avoided, as well as processed sugars, "only brown sugar is of good nutritional quality", even if it must be consumed sparingly.

We don't fast

We adopt the Tao method, a program healthy for a slim figure

Fasting is not recommended: it weakens our vital energy, which is one of the keystones of Chinese medicine. "This food stop exhausts the spleen and the stomach, the two master organs of our digestive system", confirms Anne Tran.

Home staging in the kitchen

Clean up! Get rid of bulky gadgets and trinkets that visually clutter your countertop. Bring the basic utensils recommended by Anne Tran during her cooking courses (ladietetiquedutao.com).

A wok, a traditional frying pan that lets you sauté food in very little oil while retaining all of its flavor. It also allows steam cooking and light frying.

The rice pressure cooker: essential for perfect cooking of all cereals and rice.

Steam baskets with lid: they are placed in the wok or on a saucepan, to preserve flavors and vitamins.

A cutting board and a good knife: these are the main working utensils.

Some ideas for balanced and easy-to-digest dishes

Warming breakfast

In China, it is eaten early, around 7 am. It should be balanced, consistent, more solid than liquid, and contain a salty note.

Its composition: a hot drink, a tea rich in theine (black tea), or coffee. Cooked cereals, such as rice porridge, porridge, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, barley soup. Salty proteins like fish, marinated beef or pork jerky. Athletes can add eggs, cold cuts or sautéed vegetables.

Basic morning recipes (for 4 people): Rice gruel

Rinse a bowl of rice (semi-complete, fragrant, basmati) in cold water then boil for 1 minute in a volume of water equivalent to 3 to 4 bowls. Lower the heat and let stand for 45 minutes. The grains must burst. You can mix several types of rice, but also millet or oats. We add goji berries, dates, yams, sweet potatoes, all steamed for a soft and slightly sweet version, while adding a pinch of salt. Fish fillets, thinly sliced ​​or minced meat, with ginger sticks, chives and a drizzle of sesame oil for the savory version.

Properties: this traditional preparation from Asia is very nutritious, avoids late morning nibbling, and is particularly suitable for those who have a difficult digestion.

Bananas with tapioca and coconut milk

Cut 4 peeled bananas diagonally. Poach them for 5 minutes in boiling water with a pinch of salt, drain them. Rinse 4 tbsp. tapioca then soak in lukewarm water. In the saucepan, cook while mixing (without ceasing to stir) the slices of banana, 200 ml of coconut milk and the tapioca until the pearls become transparent. Turn off the heat and cover for 5 minutes.

Properties: by acting on the large intestine, this dish is recommended in case of constipation.

Replenishing, breakfast

Invigorating, nutritious and hot, it is made up of proteins, starchy foods and vegetables. Attention: we do not take fruit or dessert at the end of the meal. We may shift it two to three hours later, with a cup of tea.

Basic lunch recipes (for 4 people): Shrimp and mushroom soup

Boil 1 liter of water with 2 chicken stock cubes. Poach 400 g of prawns and 500 g of Paris mushrooms cut into strips. Adjust the seasoning with pepper and salt, or nuoc-mâm.

Properties: diuretic and tonic for the kidneys, this soup fights against humidity in the body and chronic fatigue.

Steamed chicken with ginger

Peel and finely chop a piece of fresh ginger and mix with 1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil. Cut 4 chicken thighs into pieces in a dish, season with salt and pepper and brush with ginger-scented oil. Cook covered for 15-20 minutes in a steamer basket over a pot of boiling water. Drizzle with sesame oil when serving.

Properties: circulates energy in the body (the "qi").

Bean sprout salad

Boil water and add 1 tbsp. tablespoon of cider vinegar as soon as it simmers. Place 300 g of bean sprouts and 1 carrot cut into thin strips in a colander and sprinkle with hot water. Shake and rinse with cold water. Prepare a vinaigrette with 1 tbsp. sesame oil, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. coffee sweet mustard, 1 tsp. tablespoons of cider vinegar and 2 of white vinegar, salt and pepper, then add the bean sprouts and mix.

Properties: this salad is an ideal base for all kinds of starters. It helps dissolve phlegm and lower the digestive fire.

Vegetarian, dinner

In the evening, our digestive abilities are weak. To lose weight and gain energy, this meal should ideally end before 8 p.m., and be nutritious enough not to generate feelings of hunger during the evening. We give pride of place to cooked or sautéed vegetables, in soups, pies or quiches. Note that this meal can do without animal protein.

Basic recipes for the evening (4 people): Vegetarian curry

Blanch 200 g of sliced ​​bamboo shoots, then rinse several times. Brown in a drizzle of vegetable oil: 2 onions cut into quarters with curry, 2 carrots cut into small slices (for 3 minutes), then 2 kohlrabi into thick slices (5 mm), 1 aubergine cut into sticks, the bamboo shoots, 150 ml of water and the nuoc-mâm. Leave to cook for 5 to 7 minutes, then add 4 stalks of celery cut into 4 cm pieces, a few cubes of fried tofu (optional) and 400 ml of coconut milk. Continue cooking for 7 to 8 minutes.

Properties: this dish dissolves phlegm. It is ideal for pain, swelling or feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Braised Chinese cabbage with miso

Cut and wash 500 g Chinese cabbage in 5 cm sections. Crush 4 squares of fermented soybean paste (or 1/2 tbsp. of miso), with 1 tbsp. coffee brown sugar and 2 tbsp. water. Brown the cabbage with the miso sauce and a drizzle of vegetable oil, mixing well. Cover for 5-10 minutes, remove from heat, drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with coriander leaves.

Properties: here is a recipe that lubricates the intestines, strengthens the immune defences. Also indicated in cases of constipation.

Vegetable flan

Peel 2 courgettes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 piece of celeriac and cut 1 stalk of celery into small dice. Sauté everything in a pan or wok with a drizzle of vegetable oil and let cool. Add 2 beaten eggs with 10 cl of vegetable or poultry broth and sprinkle with spices, ie: 1/4 tsp. coffee nutmeg powder and 1/4 tsp. turmeric coffee. Salt, put in a mold and steam for 10 to 15 minutes.

Properties: invigorating, turmeric protects the stomach and hepatic system. * Co-author of “The Keys to Chinese Dietetics” (ed. Terre Vivante).

Four detox tips

By Lanqi, director of the Lanqi Spa Chinese massage centers in Paris. In the morning, take a glass of hot water with a squeeze of lime to cleanse the body. To strengthen the kidneys, infuse 2 slices of fresh ginger in 1 liter of water, to drink in small quantities throughout the day (for a total of 1 glass every hour). In the evening, to deflate but also to relax, take a 20-minute foot bath by adding a ginger root (with the skin) and coarse salt to a basin of hot water. At dinner, we prepare a slimming broth, to be taken for its richness in iron: spinach, celery stalks (which cleans the blood), and all kinds of roots (red and white radish, etc.), to be cooked in water unsalted.

What slimming massage to accompany my Tao program?

“Massage has an important place in Chinese medicine,” emphasizes Lanqi, director of Lanqi Spa massage centers. It maintains or restores good energy circulation in the body. The first step of any Chinese massage therapist with a degree in traditional medicine is a diagnosis of the body. Then, the "tuina" [an invigorating massage, editor's note] will be accompanied by 30 minutes of "gua sha" to bring the toxins to the surface of the skin, previously well oiled, by rubbing it with the help of a small jade spatula or azuki pouches (hot pouches filled with red beans to promote drainage), or suction cups, which are placed on the skin to smooth it and facilitate the destocking of fat. » lanqi-spa.com

My shopping list in an Asian grocery store

Bitter cucumber. Excellent for the liver, its diuretic properties make it a perfect ally for weight loss.

Soy sauce. Rich in probiotics, perfect for digestion, and fat-free, soy sauce nevertheless contains wheat and salt, and sometimes sugar. Instead, we prefer tamari (the Japanese version, 100% soy), with the indication “reduced salt content”.

Mushrooms. Very present in Asian dishes, they are diuretic, and help eliminate humidity in case of water retention or cellulite.

The azuki. This small red bean dries up the humidity of the body and promotes diuresis. Excellent to help eliminate. We soak it for one to two hours, then we cook it long enough and we take the time to chew it well.

Miso soup. Consumed almost daily in Asia, this soup is recommended for everyone. In the form of a paste, it is more appetizing than in its vacuum-packed version…

Seaweed. Rich in minerals and trace elements, they are a concentrate of vitamins. To consume without moderation.

Ginger. It is a stimulant recommended to eliminate food toxins, treat epigastric pain and bloating.

Tofu. Rich in protein, low in fat and calories (120 kcal per 100 g), it is high in iron and magnesium.

Rice. When it is white or pre-cooked, it has a high glycemic index (between 80 and 95 GI), which means it is digested like sugar! We will preferably choose a jasmine, basmati, semi-complete, red or wild rice, not exceeding 50 GI.

Coconut milk. It is quite caloric (about 200 kcal per 100 g) with a fat rate of 21 g per 100 ml. But very aromatic, it easily replaces fresh cream or oil (800 kcal per 100 g). Nems, lacquered duck, ravioli… to find a balanced diet, we avoid prepared products, which contain additives, preservatives, sugars, these enemies of digestive comfort, the key element of weight loss in the Tao culture.