"We need someone who knows our hair": why they entrust their heads to an Afro hairdresser

"We need someone who knows our hair": why they entrust their heads to an Afro hairdresser

Marly, 8, is perched on a booster against the mirror.One of the hairdressers of the Natty Concept show, in Rennes, passes the mower very gradually in her frizzy hair.The little black curls fall on the ground, under the eye of her mother Angelique and her sister vanilla."I maintained her hair when we lived in a village near Loudéac, in the Côtes-d'Armor," says the first.It was difficult because no one cut them well.In some salons, they refused to take it because they did not know how to take care of his hair.»»

« Ils refusaient de coiffer mon fils»»

Angélique, « maman de deux métis guadeloupéens»», a appris à coiffer ses enfants en regardant « des tutos sur YouTube»».She who has smooth hair discovered tips and tricks for their very tight curls.She also took care of her husband who had an unfortunate experience with a local hairdresser, not used to frizzy hair.In Rennes, here she is satisfied to find Afro hair specialists. « J’achète également les soins ici»», ajoute-t-elle, pendant que Marly se fait faire le contour de sa nouvelle coupe.

A little further, naïke, 20, sits on the chair of a shampoo tray.She accompanies her little brother.This Wednesday in October, children are numerous in this fair located at the entrance to the Trois-Soleils shopping center, in the city center of the Breton capital."Whites do not often know how to do it with our hair," she said.You have to go to someone who knows them and in whom we trust.»»

« Modifier les études de coiffure»»

« Il faut quelqu’un qui connaisse nos cheveux » : pourquoi ils confient leur tête à un coiffeur afro

Curly and frizzy hair, naturally dry and often fragile, require specific know-how."We master the Afro very, very good, but I don't want to lock myself in a box.We know how to do everything. On est ouvert à tout type de client et à tout type de services»», insiste Ghislain Momo, le patron et créateur de Natty Concept.This Guyanese, wearing twisted dreadlocks, is very strong to welcome everyone as lounges in France decline to take care of frizzy hair.

"I also invite to modify the course of hair studies," he suggests.For examination, apprentices only work on European -like hair ... In society, there are not only Caucasian hair;There is also Afro or Asian hair.»»

Read also: testimonies. Cheveux blancs : « À 60 ans, j’ai décidé d’en finir avec l’esclavage des colorations»»

« Des copains voulaient me toucher les cheveux»»

In this Rennes lounge, some share the persistence of intrusive and displaced gestures: "Before, I had friends who wanted to touch my hair, confides Vanilla, 9 years old. Ça fait bizarre…»»« Oui, moi aussi, on......

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