Acute diarrhea: no longer give your child under 2 years old!

Acute diarrhea: no longer give your child under 2 years old!

By Mélodie Capronnierpartagerenvoyer by e-mail

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableL'Agence nationale de sécurité des médicaments publie de nouvelles recommandations concernant les médicaments à base d'argile, comme le Smecta. Elle conseille aux parents et aux professionnels de santé de ne plus en donner aux jeunes enfants ou aux femmes qui allaitent.

In the event of diarrhea in children or in adults, clay-based drugs, such as SMECTA, are sometimes administered, on prescription or self-medication.However, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products has just changed the recommendations concerning these treatments: "As a precaution, the ANSM requests that they no longer use these drugs in children under 2 years of age, inReason for the possible presence of tiny quantity of lead, even if the treatment is short-lived, "she said in a statement published this Thursday, February 28, 2019.

Smecta: Why prohibit children and not adults?

These diarrhea drugs are made from clays extracted from the ground.The ANSM explains that they "may contain small amounts of heavy metals present naturally in the environment, such as lead".Following international recommendations on heavy metal thresholds in drugs, the health authority explains that it has asked the laboratories marketing these treatments "to ensure the lack of risk of lead in the blood in treated patients,and more particularly in children ".

Vidéo du jour :

Diarrhée aigüe : ne donnez plus de Smecta à votre enfant de moins de 2 ans !

If the ANSM has decided to proscribe these drugs to children and not to adults, it is because the results have proven that there is no passage of lead in the blood in adults who take SMECTA, until'at five weeks.However, "this risk cannot be excluded in children under 2 years of age".This is why she asks not to administer this remedy or her credits, Diosmectite Mylan, to toddlers.The same recommendation is valid for pregnant women or breastfeeding their baby within.

Do not worry if your child has taken Smecta before 2 years

The health authorities want to be reassuring by specifying that this is a precautionary measure: "[the ANSM] is not aware of cases of Saturnism (lead intoxication) in adult or children who would havebeen treated by Smecta or its credits ".

Diarrhea: How to treat babies?

In the event of gastro, the ANSM recalls that the management is based above all on hygienic and dietary measures.If the symptoms persist in infants or children under 2 years old, the reference treatment is the administration of an oral rehydration solute (SRO), in the form of a powder to be poured into a bottle of water water.The opinion of a doctor remains advised, but they are available in pharmacies without prescription.

Diarrhea: What drugs for adults and children over 2 years old?

From 2 years old, it is possible to take smecta or diosmectite mylan.Smectalia is reserved for children over 15 years old and adults.Certain treatments against diarrhea can be taken only by adults, apart from pregnant or breastfeeding women: actapulgitis, gastropulgite, bedelix, geloxneutrose, gastropax, and rennieliquo.

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